My youngest brother Dale. In memory of.

Dale died at the young age of 32 in Tampa Florida.
Top left; Dale's oldest sister Paulette, Dad Paul Raper, oldest brother Bill , next to the oldest sister Annette, me next to the oldest brother Jim. Front left; Dale, Mom Jeanne Raper, and Lynnette just a few years older than Dale. This picture was taken at our parents 50th anniversary in Tampa.


In the end Dale was a happy and a very friendly person. He really loved hockey. He must of went to every game he could possably get to.He'd always take a friend with him. He made lots of frends at the hockey games. Here is a quote from my guess book when he signed it 2 years before he died; He did many things that he wanted to such as taking his mother to paris for her birthday.
Dale and mom in paris.
Mom .Dale and mom.
During the last few years he did lots of traveling to our home town of Zion Illinois 50 miles north of Chicago. He was up to see me in Montréal several times. He enjoyed montréal a lot mostly because of the fact that mom and I traced our family on mom's side all the way back to France. They came to Quebec in the 1600's. While in Europe they also went to England wich is where my dads family history takes us back to. As I think of Dale now I know he is in a peaceful place with our grand mother Raper. We'll never forget you.
Rest in peace bro. I know your in a better place now.


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with help from Jim.