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This is a very different type of place to be living for my an American. First of all the language here is French. The history here go's all the way back to the very early day's. Jacques Cartier first came here in 1535. Lots of Frence people were coming over here to Quebéc city,(at the time called "Place Royal",original church), by boat's acrossed the Atlantic Ocean and down the St. Lawerence from La Rochelle, a port town on the coast of France. By 1608 Samuel de Champlain  had founded it's first city in North America. With in 150 years period. France had sent 8,000 people to "La Novelle France".  Now there are 6,000,000 Québécoise's. The 1892  Château Frontenac. The Château is a palatial hotel built on the original site of Samuel de Champlain's Fort St. Louis. The Hôtel du Parlement seat of Québec's National Assembly. Begun in 1881 to an elaborate French renaissance design by Eugéne E. Taché. With in niches in the façade of it's cortly Louis XIII exterior stand bronze statues of significant figure's in Québécois history, (The works of Louis Phillippe Hébert). Throughout the 18th century the French and British were almost continuosly at war so Québec was in daily danger of attack. Québec city is 750 mile's from the Atlantic the St. Lawerence sea way was the life line for travel and food. This is the original fort. This is the new fort, Citadel, built on the montain in Quebec city. This province is a great tourist stop with all the parks.

Gaspasié Quebec(Gaspasié pictures 1.) is at the eastern tip of Quebec.)