Azian Killa'z Domain
Azian Killa'z Domain



I'm gonna go ahead and clear up once and for all, the Turtle/Cricket thing 'cause there's been a LOT of confusion and mixing up of these moves. Here goes....
Turtle- A turtle is a walk/float NOT a spin (I think this is where most of the confusion is coming from). Facing downwards, elbows are bent and tucked under the body at the hips. Legs are bent and back is straight. Only the hands touch the ground. Init iate spin by rocking to one side, transferring all weight to one hand. Move the other hand in a counter-clockwise arc about 45 degrees, place it on the ground, and then shift weight to that hand. Move the other hand and then shift your weight to it. Conti nue movement of hands and shifting of body weight to keep spinning. (The same sequence of hand placement and weight shifting applies to all the other floats/walks).
While I'm doing Crickets, I might as well do all the Handglides. I hope you guys don't mind. OK..
Handglide- Same body position as a turtle except only one elbow is in your stomach. The other hand is used to push yourself so that you start spinning. You can spin faster by pulling your legs in toward your body.
Crickets- Same as handglide, but you're hopping (the hand that supports your weight actually comes off the ground).
Jackhammers- One handed Crickets (the free hand is no longer used to push). These are a lot harder because you're supporting/balancing your body weight, spinning, and jumping all on one hand.
Sideglide- Same as Handglide, but instead of elbow in stomach, body facing the ground, your elbow is in your side, and your body is sideways.
Elbowglide- Same as Handglide except your HAND is in your stomach, and your ELBOW is on the ground.
Fistglide- Same as Handglide except you're spinning on your fist instead of your palm.
Headglide (another one people had confusion with)- Same as Handglide, except your body is no longer horizontal. Your head touches the ground, and grinds around on the floor as you spin. To achieve this position, move your balance point (your hand) a li ttle closer to your head.
Donut- Same as HEADglide (not Handglide), except your body is almost vertical (your hand is REALLY close to your head).
I think that's all. I know this is all types of long, but I thought it would help. By the way, all of the glides require you to spin using your free hand (unless stated otherwise). Any questions?? Peace to all.
-Scan1 da Survivor