Most admires: Mummified alive buddist monks of Japan, Albert Einstein, Che Guevara, Nitsche, my husband for dealing with me

People talk about her ...: Confronting nature and anime-look-alike face

She talks about her ...: Childhood trauma and ex-boyfriends

Intelligence: Genius (not yet certified by legal authorities)

Personality: Analytical, Philosophical, Suicidal, Errogant...well sometimes...Kind to my kid and very very Easygoing...

Currently has on her coffee table: Time mag and Vi Vi J-fashion mag, and a Starbucks mug

Favorite possession(s): Dictionaries, Gas oven, Gun (toy one)

Favorite era(s): The future

Favorite Game(s): Taxas Tandem, Gambling games, Slot, brain teasers, psycho games

Favorite activity(s): Taking IQ tests, reading J-fashion mags and dictionaries, trying to learn all the Kanji....drink tea before going to bed

Favorite book(s): "Relativity: The Special and the General Theory" by Albert Einstein, "the hitchhaker quide to the galaxy", Japanese and English Dictionaries, Zen and yoga idiot guides, Economitrics, Alchemist, Russian and Japanese poetry books

Favorite food(s): Sushi

Favorite animal(s): hmmm......

Favorite sport(s): Football (soccer in Europe), Figure skating and figure fighting

Favorite destination(s): Japan, Asia, Polynesia, somewhere where less white people to bump in

Favorite drink(s): Red wine, light beer, bitter lemon tonic

Membership(s): Tsutaya Video rental and nail salon discount card

Politics: Gay activism (where "gay" means "funny", "happy")

Likes to wear: Sumo belt, or School uniform

Interest(s): Bio Science, Math, Languages, Fashion design

Education: Post-graduate......hope to stay it forever

Ultimate fantasy(s): Being normal well as Cross-dressing for a day, Having severe anorexia, Being nude in public ...Engaging in a no-holds-barred killing spree...stop fooling people on the internet.

Worst habit(s): Smoking Crack (...well,..ok... just I quit long time ago)

Dream job(s): President of the United States, Terrorist, Unemployed

Medical note(s): Taking Prozac, Approaching psychosis, Family history of schizophrenia; Produces Anthrax in her basement

Favorite quote(s): "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)

"Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." - Homer Simpson.

"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed." - George Burns (1896-1996)

"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." - last words of Pancho Villa (1877-1923)

TO MAUS......

....LINKS... Yoroshikune-- (^.~)V

(Rossiajin in Tokyo)

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Current status: already married*wink, wink*!

Chow : "In the old days . . ."

"If someone had a secret they didn't want to share . . ."

"You know what they did?"

"They went up to a mountain, found a tree . . ."

"Carved a hole in it . . ."

"And whispered the secret into the hole."

"Then they covered it with mud."

"And leave the secret there forever."