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That's right, say it with me again......JEEP There is only ONE! Isn't that sweet? If you are a JEEP owner like myself you know what that means. Soooo.... what I decided to do was create a page dedicated to my one and only 1995 JEEP Wrangler. I bought my Jeep in March of 1995 and what I am going to do is build this baby up, with some help from a friend, we are going to get this once tame and domesticated animal and turn it loose on Mother Earth. WATCH OUT!

On the right are some picture of my 1995 JEEP Wrangler, this is not the best but I am still working on it. What I am doing is creating a "BEFORE" and "AFTER" section so you can see the differences.

Intimidating isn't it?!?
As you can see I have a thing for snowboarding!
...just a few interior shots...
Are you sure that you want to take this head on??

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