grow 420
"Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and
                                sow it everywhere."
                   President George Washington, 1794
 Welcome to one of the homepages of Project GROW 420.
 Our goal: to populate North America with wildly growing
           marijuana plants by the end of the year 2000.
  Cannabis is a natural species of plant that flourished on
  this Earth long before we humans came along. It is only
 in the past century that its free growth has been oppressed
                  in America by "the moral majority".
   We believe that every person of mature age should have
 the right to grow and use marijuana. We also believe that
 it is our duty to restore this natural resource to the soil of
America where it can grow and multiply as it was meant to
                                      OUR PLAN:
      We suggest that every marijuana smoker in the United States do the
  following. Begin by saving every seed from the marijuana that you smoke.
      On April 20th, 1999 (4/20) plant all of your seeds. Simple. By about
 September, 1999, the first generation of free weed will be mature. The plants
  will cross-pollenate and their seeds will spread by the wind and by natural
    predators-- the same way every other weed does. Once this happens, the
 marijuana plant will begin to take its place as North America's most popular
   weed. The sheer quantity of freely growing marijuana will have profound
   effects on our culture. Pot prices will plummet. Laws will change. Getting
                   buds to smoke will be as easy as taking a walk.
 We chose the date 4/20 for two important reasons: (1) 420 is a police call for
   "pot smoking in progress" in certain parts of California. For many years
 stoners everywhere have used this number as a symbol of their rebellion and
 smoked up extra heavily on this date. (2) Marijuana grows best if planted in
 temperatures over 70 degrees, and by April 20th most of North America is at
     the perfect temperature to launch our mission. Of course, if April 20th
 happens to be in the middle of a frost where you live, use your common sense
                                   and wait a few days.
    Marijuana seeds last just about forever. Only save the nice, round, dark
   seeds. Throw away any cracked, broken, or flaky ones. Pick your planting
 spot carefully-- close to home but away from prying eyes and noses. Between
 1/2 to 2 miles from civilization should do just fine. The best planting ground
 is under partially shaded forest areas-- it's also the hardest to spot. Maple or
  oak trees produce good environments, pine trees generally don't. Look for
   trees with bushes, grasses, mosses, and other small plants growing under
 them because these are signs of good moist ganja soil. Soil that is too wet or
      too dry is bad for the plants. Avoid bogs, swamps, marshes, dry areas,
 mountains, or very steep areas. Fields or grassy areas will do if nothing else
  is available. Plant only one seed per hole. Make a hole 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep
 into the ground with a pencil or stick, drop the seed in, and cover by kicking
   some dirt over it. Any deeper or shallower and the yield will suffer. Don't
   make even rows or groups of plants... we don't want this looking like Old
 McDonald's Weed Farm. Keep the plants spaced at least 3-5 feet apart from
                     each other so they can grow nice big roots.
        Your safest option is not to harvest at all. This ensures maximum
     reproduction of the plants without any legal risk to yourself. If you do
 harvest, don't cut down more than 1/4 of your plants so there will be enough
    to multiply. There are many ways to know when the plants are at "peak
 potency" (see links) but by September the first plants should be ready. Male
 plants have less THC than female plants but both are smokeable. The males
  produce "balls" with pollen and the females produce feelers that look like
                      two tiny white hairs at the branch points.
 You can either cut individual buds or cut the plant at the soil level and wrap
 it in a cloth so as not to lose any leaves. Take out any seeds by hand and save
    them future use. Throw away the stems and twigs. The remaining leaves
 must be dried or "cured" before smoking to ensure maximum potency. Place
them all on a cookie sheet or aluminum foil and put them on the middle shelf
  of the oven which is set on "broil." In a few seconds, the leaves will smoke
  and curl up. Stir them around and give another ten seconds before you take
   them out. That's it. Roll up, smoke up, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
                             SPREAD THE WORD:
    Project GROW 420 is an easily achievable reality. With the help of the
   Internet we can reach the thousands of Johnny Ganjaseeds necessary for
    success. Here is a conservative estimate. With 250 million people in the
  United States it's reasonable to estimate that 10% have smoked marijuana
  (25 million). Half of these people probably smoke regularly (12 million). If
   we can get just 1 in 10 of these regular smokers to support our cause then
  we'll have over ONE MILLION seed planters. If each of these people plant
     around 100 seeds then we'll have 100 MILLION seeds in the ground.
    This is your chance to be a part of the largest organized pro-marijuana
    movement in history. Tell everyone you know. Choose a logo below and
    paste it on your web page as a link to this site, or design your own!. Tell
   other webmasters about our site. Probably only 1 in 10 pot smokers have
    internet access so spread the word with posters, flyers, T-shirts, bumper
  stickers, and rallies! Nothing is copyrighted, feel free to use anything here.
    Save your seeds with pride and when 420 comes, plant them with care.