About Prospect Hill.......

Well if you are anyone from East Windsor Ct, or possible surrounding towns, you would know that Prospect Hill is A little neighborhood, between Wall*Mart in Wharehouse Point, and The Connecticut Trolly Museam. The population...... I really don't know, and I really think neither of us care 2 know...Im not going 2 be all statisical about this, so understand what im saying is one persons point of a view, but is based on facts, and opinion.

Prospect Hill is where I can say I have spent my whole life, I lived in this neiborhood 20 years, I'v seen people come, and i'v seen people go, made lots of friends and made lots of enemies, I found one of my first loves in this neirborhood as well. A few years back this neighborhood was so different, and as do all things change. My teen years, this neighborhood was the place 2 be for a kid, we had a tight Crew, me, Shawn Garvey, Rocco Wiess, Ryan Irish, Jared Irish, Dj Bulgajuski, Matthew Bulgajuski, and there where others even before that.... Mark Tartif, Mike Tartif, Danny Janes (R.I.P),Steve and Shane Parlos, Jayson n Cameron Brown. Also Larry Barrnet, Nadeir Garvey, Waiheed G,(R.I.P) and many more names.....come 2 mind, but those are the ones that really had an impact. I consider these people 2 be classic Prospect Hill since they where there before and the people I grew up with and looked up 2.

So years went by and people went there seperate ways, accept for the crew, which was always so tight, Shawn, Rocco, Jared And Ryan, till Ryan moved 2 Ky! I miss the kid, then it seems, like before my eyes my time had passed, together our crew, had through tons of hot parties, and got fucked up so much together, drinking all the time smoking in my basement. I never thought we would stop doing what we did. But in a blink of eye, my time passed before me. You see, sure enough new members where considered 2 be part of the Crew, Pattie, Nichole and Erin, which at first wasnt that bad, we chilled and had a summer of fun....still getting fucked up and waisted all the time. So now being 20 years old and out of school, I have 2 think about my future, and i really dont get along well with my crew anymore, me and Shawn still hang, out and drink ocuasionally, Rocco and I have a business type relasionship, Jared i hardly see much of these day. The girls iv come 2 hate all together, accept Cynthia, and she moved, along with Danielle. It's weird how now i look at the whole getting high and drunk thing and see how stupid and childish it really is, I'm glad I have my life straightening out, and i'm ready 2 move foward....Sometimes like Anyone i urn for the past, and wish my realasionships of the past where still as strong as those days...but I know.... that everyone has 2 walk there own path, and as i see a whole new young line of young kids coming up in the neighborhood, i can only wonder if they are gonna remember, me and hope I can be a positive role model for them I hope that they, maybe see this page..in years ahead and keep up the tradtion of the PROSPECT HILL, n let this place be known forever.

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