Visual Basic stuff
This is my pitiful Visual Basic portion of my stupid little web site. For now all I have is a couple of my own projects for you to download and some links to some other VB sites that are actually useful.

A little bit of info about the stuff you can download from here...

  • download and use at your own risk.
  • everything was written in VB 6.0
  • these are just projects and not intended for use as anything except demonstration purposes
  • all I expect in return for my extreme generosity is a six-pack of ice cold Corona and a couple limes
Ok, man, here's da shtuff...


I made this program because I don't like all of the temporary files that are saved by on my computer. It gives you the ability create a list of directories that you want to keep emptied, and delete all or some of the files within that directory quickly and easily. Sure, you could just do this by browsing with Explorer, select all, delete, but this way is much cooler. It even can empty your Recycle Bin and delete all of those web site addresses that are saved IE's address bar.
Download Folder Cleaner project


This just uses a bunch of Windows API functions to get information about your computer. It then e-mails this information to the IRS so they can use it to double you taxes and take your birthday away. Well, actually, I haven't got that e-mailing part working yet, but everything else works okay. Check it out to see a bunch of API functions work. Yippee.
Download System Information project

Okeedokee, that's all I got for now. Now send me beer


Why are you wasting your time at this boring amateur web site, go visit some good web sites made by professionals that know what picante sauce is supposed to taste like! This site was made in Washington!


...get a rope

VBForums - the best developer forum around. - want to learn Windows API stuff, download their API-Guide. - the dirtiest porn site you've ever seen! No, wait they have free VB code.
DEVELOPER - useful stuff for warding off fleas and ticks, and some helpful developer info too.
Planet Source Code - the newly discovered 37th planet in our solar system supplies us with a bounty of free source code for all you code leeches! Woohoo! - lots of really good Visual Basic source code.
vbip - all you want to know about internet programming with Visual Basic.
Google - as if you actually need a link.

B-bye now...

Site built by me. Last update: August 2 1974
Reproduction of this site, in whole or part, is strictly, a really dumb idea.
My stupid little web site is not a legal trademark of me or anybody else - don't let them fool you!
Copyright ISAWORD - All rights means you're traveling in a circle.