
Tommy's M-38A1
The Tear Down
Under The Hood
Body Work 1
Body Work 2
Back Together
My Son and I
Tips and Ideas

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This jeep is FOR SALE! $8,000 O.B.O. . Appraised @ $10,500, Texas title, running and driving great. E-mail me for details At

This site is dedicated to the rebuilding of a 1955 M-38A1 jeep affectionately known as "Mud Puppy". I hope to share with you the thrill of bringing back to life a classic jeep. Along the way I hope to give you some hints and hind site into a project like this, so that you might not make the same mistakes I did. It is an on going project so check back often. Enjoy the pictures, links, and don't forget to sign the guest book.

M-38A1 Information

The M-38A1 was the first jeep with the rounded fenders. It was larger then the older version jeeps, a bit faster and had a smoother ride. The jeep had a larger engine compartment that made it easier to work on the engine and the builders had removed the shovel and ax from the side of the vehicle to make it easier to get into tight places without getting hung up. It had a 24 volt electrical system compared to the 6-volt system of W.W.II. The batteries were kept in a cowl compartment to protect them during underwater driving. The engine was a 4 cylinder F-head which improved the horse power of the older L-head from 60 to more then 70 at 4,000 RPM. The M-38A1 also included automatic windshield wipers on both sides of the windshield.

Cool things to know about the M-38A1

# The CJ-5 (Civilian Jeep) was modeled after the M-38A1.

# Elvis used the M-38A1. Check out the book "Elvis in the Army".

# Many of the M-38A1's (1955-1960) were built in the Netherlands for the Dutch.

# If you want to see a nice M-38A1, check out the movie "Kissing Cousins"- The Elvis version. The movie has two beautiful M-38A1's through out the whole movie.




Rapco Jeep Parts: Telephone 940-872-2403

This Jeep is now FOR SALE! For Details E-mail me at

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FOR SALE! Asking $8,000 O.B.O. . E-Mail me for Details.

            14 Jan 99 - Day One                

Tommy's M-38A1 | The Tear Down | Under The Hood | Body Work 1 | Body Work 2 | Back Together | My Son and I | Tips and Ideas

Page maintained by Tommy
Date Last Modified: 1/17/00
First Team's Finest