Have you ever wondered about the elusive KooKoo Dog?


This very distant cousin of the KooKoo Bird was discovered about 8 years ago out in Georgia. It wasn't known at the time that it was a distant cousin of the KooKoo Bird, until the birds got together and researched their genealogy. It seems that way back in the 1500's a KooKoo Bird got together with a KooKoo Dog and had some fun. All the characteristics of each species have evolved in such a way that there are absolutely no physical traits of the other species in there. This will explain why the KooKoo Birds don't have fur and the KooKoo Dogs don't have webbed feet and feathers.
KooKoo Dogs love to be indoors. The KooKoo Dog that lives with us thinks she's a tick since she loves to burrow her way under blankets and snuggles real close with humans.
They love the really long romp outside just on the weekends. They love to go camping and boating on the river. They prefer to stay dry and don't get in the water unless they absolutely have to do so.
I'll put some pictures of the KooKoo Dog here just as soon as I get them uploaded, so please check back to see what she looks like.

Here's a little poem that Barbi sent to me for St. Patty's Day. I'll look to see if I can get an up close and personal picture of the KooKoo Frog...if there IS one of these critters in existence!
Froget everything else
and celebrate!
But don't forget to wear something green!
Happy St. Pattys Day to you my dear friend!!
- Barbi
When I first started this hunt for rare KooKoo Birds, little did I realize that there were various cousins floating around. Barbi sent me this frog on St. Patty's Day. As this KooKoo Bird Hunter goes on the quest for more on the KooKoo Bird, I'll try to find out more about the Frogs also.

From the little that the KooKoo Birds have told me, the KooKoo Frogs live on the California side of the Colorado River. They like to jump in and out of the water and scare the living bejesus out of water skiers and fishermen fishing from their boats.
As far as what the KooKoo Frogs eat, the KooKoo Birds aren't sure. This KooKoo Hunter will have to research this when she goes out on the pontoon boat cruising the Colorado River over the hot summer days that are fast approaching us.

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