Here are some of my favorite pictures of various scenes in Baja:

View of Alfonsina's from the Divide
Moon over the Sea of Cortez
Moonrise again
Punta Willard
A Rainbow appears over the Sierra la Asamblea with desert flowers in the foreground
Sunrays Through Tropical Clouds Over Isla San Luis
A ground rainbow appears later over Campo Bwana...or is it an Aura
Waves break over the south point, with our beached boats in the foreground
Cathy walks up the beach
One morning, the fog was pretty thick. Weird for Baja.
Aliens had landed down at Punta Bufeo village
The east side of San Luis from South La Poma
The first day was blown out bad
Flowers were abundant after the rains, here are some Lupines
Cathy laughs while the Brittlebush blooms yellow
It rained like crazy over Cerro Guillermo
Rainbow over Cholludo
Clouds over Isla San Luis
Storm Clouds over Punta Bufeo
Hurricane Nora cleared Arroyo Las Palmitas
When the tide goes out, it goes out. Tidal range is about 23 feet
Sunset looking north toward Lobos and Cholludo. Note the low tide at Roger's Bay
A toast to New Year's Eve Eve 1998
Lazing on the beach
Looking to the North 12/99
The reddish glow of dusk 12/99
A panorama of the south campos 12/99
Storm clouds hang to the north over October 2000
Here they hang over the mountains
The next day, the remnant storm still dumped some rain out at sea
February 2001 saw the construction of the new outhouse
The rains of October 2000 brought the desert to life near San Felipe
More Sand Verbena
Our April 2001 trip had low, low tides
Cardon cacti along the Puertecitos road
A view of the mountain range to the west early in the day
Arroyo Mal de Orin washed out after Juliette
Sunrise on the Sierras
The east side of Islote La Poma
On the beach - Memorial Day 2002
A Minuteman II Launch over Baja
The old camp on Isla San Luis
Isla San Luis panorama
A coyote rest in front of Campo Ed
Moonrise over Isla San Luis
View of the islands from the Gonzaga Road
Another island view from further north
Desert Iris blooms
Desert Chicory
Flowering Whitestuff
Our Jojoba bush
Desert Lupine
Verdant desertscape October 2003
Green Flats south of Punta Bufeo
Beach erosion after Hurricane Marty
Greenscape on Isla San Luis
Moderate high tide
Moderate low tide
Sunlit Punta Bufeo December 2003
Ramona, Cathy, Lonco, and Lea
Loncho and Lea
Lupine and Verbena
Desert Nightshade, AKA Giant Potato Tree
Blooming shrub
Different blooming shrub
Another bush
Tidal rip over La Barra
Winchmeister Deano
Clamming at Punta Arena, Gonzaga Bay
Out on the veranda at Rancho Grande store
Webmeister Deano at Dean & Cathy's Baja Cafe
Pandro, Baja Dan and Cathy enjoy dusk out in the front yard
Pandro and Dan man the Bwanascope
Loncho gets a pulpo (octopus)
House moving, Mexican style
Storm at sea
Candlelight dinner
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Last Update: 03/26/2005