Newcastle Neptunes Underwater Club


1. Members shall make themselves conversant with areas that are closed to the taking of fish by spears, spear guns and similar devices, and comply with such regulations.

2. Members shall refrain from spearfishing from ocean beaches, excluding 20 metres at the extremities of such beaches.

3. Members will make themselves familiar with the legal lengths of different species of fish and those protected by legislation.

4. Members will not spear fish from above the surface of water, this being illegal      and contrary to the principles of the sport.

5. Members will not take crayfish or abalone by illegal means.

6. Members will not willfully spearfish within a radius of 50 metres of an angler or swimmer provided they did not knowingly come within such distance after entry into the water.

7. Members will at no time point a loaded spear gun at any person, neither will they load their gun before entering the water, nor fail to unload it before leaving the water.

8.  Members will dispose of fish, refuse and cleanings in a satisfactory manner.

9. Members will not make any unwarranted display of cruelty to any marine creature.

10. Members shall not enter into any argument regarding priority rights of any fishing area and will report details of such to the Secretary at their earliest convenience.

11. Members will treat any Inspector or official with respect and courtesy and in such a manner as to bring no discredit to the Club.

12. Members will refrain from making general statements regarding the sport and Club to the press. radio and TV without prior approval of the Public Relations Officer.

13. Members are encouraged to assist the public generally in the recovery of objects lost in the water and in any other way their skill may be required.

14. Members will make themselves conversant with the safety requirements of their equipment and comply with same.

15. Members will at all times act in a manner that will not reflect unfavorably on the Club or underwater sporting activities. They will endeavor to police the Club Rules and tactfully reason with offenders whether members or not.

16.Any competitor acting in an unsportsmanlike manner during the course of a competition may, at the discretion of the Directors, be fined or disqualified

 Club Rules   Compertition Rules 
 Dive Calendar   Page 2 
 Peace Beneath   HOME 
 Normie's Playground