Baby Reagan's Archive Page
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Travels with Angie
This page features archived stories about Baby Reagan from the very beginning. Please note that this page contains many photos and may take a minute to load. Enjoy!

Making snowmen in the back yardReagan makes a wishOur Columbus winter was pretty typical and there was just enough snow to make snowmen, have a whitish Christmas and get in a few XC laps around the corn field. A tip from a co-worker led us to Beck's Christmas Tree Farm for our 2003 tree. Reagan (and Angie) were wide-eyed at the huge Percherons pulling the hayride cart. The experience is capped off with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Thanks Paul! We enjoyed Chistmas Eve with Angie's parents and Christmas day with Vince's parents, Aunt Amy, Uncle Bill and cousins Clayton and Hayden.

Reagan and Angie play in the autumn leavesSaturday was sunny and calm (and 40 degrees). My mission was collecting a winter's worth of fallen sticks and hauling them back to the fire ring. On my many trips back and forth to the sycamore tree I counted 26 crocus sprouts and other spring greenery emerging from the crusty brown March soil. But first a look back at the fall and winter.

Reagan contemplates CongressReagan turned two in November and had a ball helping rake leaves. Somehow those leaves were a little less intimdating than the tall quarterhorses at the All American Quarterhorse Congress, and Angie was relieved that Reagan became quite comfortable with horses by the end of the show.

I used to fit in the sink!It never ceases to amaze me how the pace life with a baby makes time fly by. It's been months since the last Baby Page update and while the camera lens has not rested, the HTML editor has been been quite distracted. Reagan last bath in the cool Swivelling Sink Seat was over two months ago. She was always thrilled to sit up high in the kitchen sink and play with the soap dispenser. This is one of her typical responses to bath time.

Hiking with Mom in Shenandoah National ParkMemorial Day was Reagan's first official vacation: a long weekend trip to Shenandoah National Park. It was also her first visit to our National Park System, her first time on the Appalachian Trail, and much to our chagrin, her first time cutting a tooth. Poor Rea fouled out on day two, but got to do some hiking and climb a few mountains before sleeping most of the way home.

My first time in the sandBlue shirt, blue hat, blue eyesOur adventures in travelling with a baby continued in a much larger effort as we headed to Maine in July for a week in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Another month's worth of parenting experience plus the lessons from Shenandoah made a big difference and this trip went very well, including the 2 hour flight to Boston. Reagan got to meet her cousin Harrison and stick her toes in the sand for the first time. We celebrated Independence Day in Bar Harbor with fireworks and plenty of patriotism.

With Dad in Bar HarborReagan is enjoying her first fall weather and looking forward to sporting her pumpkin costume for Halloween. I'm sure every parent is sure their kid is the sweetest thing ever, and we are no different.My first overalls Reagan loves to be chased down the hall crawling on all fours. She loves peekaboo. She still speaks only in her own language, but "da da" comes out in the right context frequently. I'm a very proud Dad!

Studying eyesMom doesn't think so, but Reagan is looking forward to experiencing falling leaves, snow angels, sliding on the ice and bundling up in cozy fleece bunting. She loves campfires and can't wait for her first fire in the fireplace. This weekend is the First Annual Old Man's Cave Hike and Reunionette. Reagan is planning the make the entire 6 mile hike, but she'll be allowed to sleep most of it if she wants.

My favorite towel!Grandma Weber on Mothers DayBath time is always an adventure (we found this cool swivel chair that fits in the kitchen sink), but not much is more fun than drying time, especially with Cousin Amy's duck towel! She has loved being wrapped up like a burrito since her first hours at the hospital.

Reagan has been the subject of a whole lot of my photos, but some shine through to really capture her glowing personality (and I'm not at all biased!). This is one of my favorite. The one on the homepage of her with Angie is another favorite. Real life is constant.

I bet these flowers taste as good as they smell!These lillacs smell good!Spring finally reached Central Ohio and Reagan loves watching the leaves and green things. Walks around the neighborhood have taken on a new dimension with the Baby Bjorn. This thing gets our top recommendation because it lets baby flap around and still explore the new world. When she crashes, it makes for a warm, comfortable place for a walking nap. Lillacs in the back yard proved especially interesting and led to hours of amusement. Despite a keen interest through, Rea still needs some work on her green thumb.

Reading Sunny Day GardenReagan's cousin ClaytonBaby Rea won't remember this, but cousin Clayton might remember this feeding. We're lucky to have all of Reagan's immediate family and relatives right here in Columbus. Okay, Reagan probably also will not remember reading the Sunny Day Garden, her first book. At least she enjoys the colors. We read to her and talk to (with) her all the time. Baby Mozart is her favorite video. It's a good start.

Got milk?The Cereal Era has begun, but I can't imagine what the attraction is after tasting some it. Reagan couldn't improve on her record of sleeping through the night, so we're wondering if there are any real advantages to eating cereal. Kap'n Krunch I can understand, but single grain rice? Gross. We're banking on the value as a step in the utensil learning process.

A bare butt on Mommy's armReagan's social calendar affords her lots of wardrobe flexibility. Sometimes she goes most of the day in her sleep sack or PJs. She loves to be bare and smiles and laughs the whole time, but the risks usually do not offset the rewards. A bare baby butt is definitely cute, for now. Dad won't think it's so cute in 15 years. That said, if you're over 3 years old, here's some baby cheesecake. If you're a potential future date, please move on.

Baby Reagan loves to eat although so far her menu is quite limited. Still, she has taken us to a variety of local eateries including the following:
BG Salvi's
Hunan Lion
Baja Fresh
Chili Verde
Wolfe's Barbecue
China One
Der Dutchman
Skyline Chili
Dutch Kitchen
Texas Roadhouse
Golden Corral
Bob Evans

Pull the blanket over me!Of course getting dressed up has a lot of appeal too. Showers, friends and Grandparents got Reagan's wardrobe off to quite a start. Discovering Once Upon A Child took baby clothes to the next level. There are many more outfits than days in the week, but she (and Mom) love them all. After trolling Baby Gap recently, we made a lap through Abercrombie & Fitch. The experience left us agape with the realization that this may be Rea's stomping ground in the near future. At least my teenage years of pioneering grunge were cheap!

Focused on holding a bottleThe latest conventional wisdom is that babies need to "eat" 32 ounces of milk or formula each day in order to begin adding cereal to their diet. The cereal doesn't really Asleep on the love seatsound too good, but the rumor is that it helps one sleep soundly. That would definitely be nice, but Rea has been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks and we have nothing to complain about. Heck, she's even holding the bottle herself sometimes. Reagan is a very good baby.

Cooling off on the golf course quiltDad has spent a few Saturday evenings at Border's studying portrait photography and learned it's a lot more involved than it first appears. Landscapes don't move and light generally changes slow enough to apply plenty of thought to each shot. Portraits, especially of a wiggly gesturing bundle of love, offer an entirely new challenge. Still, some good shots are slowly emerging. Rea spends quite a bit of time contemplating her fists, especially while drying off after a bath.

Reagan loves her GrandmasSweet Baby Reagan can occupy an incredible percentage of one's day, effectively eliminating the concept of "free time." As predicted by many, watching her fall asleep in your arms, smile at Grandma, giggle at herself in the mirror, or wake up stretching and yawning makes "free time" seem pretty insignificant. It truly is one of those things you absolutely must experience to understand.

Bath timeTrying out Reagan's new Madden VoyagerBath time used to be a source of great concern for Rea, but now she smiles, laughs and enjoys the whole thing. She fits comfortably in the kitchen sink with her yellow foam pad. Hikes in her new backpack may still be months off, but she already enjoys walks around the house. She loves the view from six feet.

Reagan's first Golf MeetingIt's hard to believe Reagan is already 10 weeks old. The old addage that time flies is definitely verified and amplified by a baby. The days are noticably longer now and baby Rea is looking forward to being able to sit on the deck, stroll in the stroller, hike in the backpack, and generally enjoy the budding Spring. Somewhere on the list of highlights was Reagan's first Golf Meeting. She didn't help Dad win at cribbage though.

Sorry, your browser does not support embedded video objects. You should still be able to click on the video links at right and view clips of Baby Reagan (there is a link to the sneeze clip there too).One of the cool things about the Digital Age is the ability to upload video to the internet and make it available to a wide audience. With the advent of DVD-R, the VHS tape is about to go the way of the 8-track. Despite my adherence to film as my preferred medium, the attraction of digital video for capturing live action is undeniable. I had thought we could portray Reagan entirely in stills, but melted at the sight of her first sneeze. It has been a steep learning curve and I've endoresed more than one dead end technology, but here are a few of our favorite video clips of Reagan. Click the triangular play button to start the embedded video and click on the links at right for more. Enjoy. Here are some of our other favorite video clips. These are sub-300 frame MPEG videos that will automatically launch your computer's multimedia player. Please be patient, depending on your connection speed, each clip may take up to 3 minutes to download. You will have to download the whole file before it can start playing, but you can then use the controls like those at left to replay it at full speed as many times as you can stand!
18 Years to the Love Shack 
Yawning in the swing
Bouncy chair hiccups
Contemplating a sneeze
Waking up from a nap
Crying during bath time

Reagan riding DonkeyReagan loves Morone's pizzaDonkeys are destined to be part of Rea's life, but for now the furry stuffed cartoon variety will have to suffice. She has checked the real donkeys out from afar, but is waiting until a warm Spring day to get up close. Pizza is a favorite for Rea on Friday nights. Iacono's has been the site recently, but she enjoyed a trip to Morone's for a 1/2 pepperoni & sausage, 1/2 five cheese. Aunt Amy enjoyed the visit too.

Grandma WeberGrandma ResorWe are very lucky to have both of our parents and Aunt Amy and Uncle Bill here in our same home town. They have been an enormous help in making the adjustment to this new life. It's easy to say that Grandmas have a lot of experience with babies, but it really becomes obvious when you see the loving, calming effect they have on Reagan. It's hard to imagine how these first few weeks would have gone without their help.

At least one babydoll is asleep!This blue puppy sure is softChristmas was certainly a new experience, although mostly for Mom and Dad and Reagan's Grandparents. We suspect she didn't get much out of it other than some interesting sights and sounds. Most babies eventually take to one "favorite" stuffed animal. The very soft blue puppy from Grandma Weber is in the lead at this point, but we are thankful Reagan choose to nap with most of them.

I love my Tiffany silver moon rattle, thanks Aunt Dede & Uncle Bob!Playing the part of a presentDad seemed to enjoy these photos more than Reagan did, but someday she'll love them as much as her family does now.

I'm going to Disneyland!This is my first Christmas photoReagan's second official weigh-in showed a healthy increase to 9 pounds, 3 ounces. At this rate she will be ready for Disneyworld by Summer! She already talks about her first trip. We are about to break her code of squeaks, peeps, moans and grunts, but we're sure she's talking about her first trip to Disneyworld. Seriously though, Baby Reagan is happy and healthy and looking forward to Christmas with her family.

My favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms, but Dad's shoulder is pretty good tooA few patterns are starting to emerge as Baby Reagan approaches her tender 3 week birthday. She loves car rides, walks in her stroller, sleeping and watching people. She's fascinated by our Christmas Tree and while she slept through most of them, she has enjoyed several walks in the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Mom and Baby are starting to venture out during the week on errands and other fun excursions. It's great to be able to get out of the house again! She sleeps 3-4 hours at a time, but usually doesn't like to go to bed until 2:00 am or so.

Baby Reagan pondering her hands and wondering what happens next?Ten baby toesIt seems like just last week that we were wondering why Angie had suddenly lost her taste for Mexican food. Somewhere in there we took a bunch of ultrasounds then Wham!, here she is. Sweet, huh? Are those the cutest toes you've ever seen?

Mom and baby bond after deliveryReagan Angela Resor came into the world on November 25th at 11:32 am EST a happy 7 pound, 10 ounce, 20 inch baby girl, smiling and proud of her 9 APGAR score. Mom enjoyed 52 hours of prodromal labor followed by 9 1/2 hours of labor. She was extremely grateful for the fabulous care by the doctors and nurses at Riverside, and especially for the epidural that let her finally sleep for two hours.

Our first family portrait happened on a bad hair dayFirst it was the Cheeseburger Sign (ultrasonographer-speak for fetal female "details") and the news that Baby Resor is a girl. Now comes the naming news. Assuming the ultrasonographers were right, Reagan Angela Resor will join the world something this Fall. Reagan's due date is December 4th, but most are betting on an early delivery.

A close-up of my mug A tender 6 week old Posing at 10 weeks old
Getting too big for this lens! Can you see me smiling? I'm still in here for a while, right?

Our first trip into the New England states was fabulous. The No Magic Diet took a licking, but the trip was both active and relaxing and pregnancy never got in the way. It was quite a different story by 30 weeks and we quickly learned why people said we were lucky to be having a baby in the winter. Angie couldn't imagine the discomfort amplified by the heat of summer.

We are grateful for everyone's wishes and we thoroughly enjoyed the baby showers. The next few weeks (or hours depending on when you're reading this) will be quite eventful. Please keep your fingers crossed.

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