Where, how and why, kit, etc.

Our members, in all their glory!

What dances we do -  includes details of the Alexandra Park Road Stick Dance, N.22

What we got up to in 2000 (includes separate pages on specific events)

What we *think* we're doing in 2001, as it stands at present.

Just a few neat pics!

What's that, then?

The team is named after a song by Richard Thompson - here it is!

Let us waft you elsewhere in the cyberverse...

Drop us a line - they can't touch you for it!

These people were daft enough to sign our guestbook.

Go on, show us you're daft enough, too!

New St George Morris

 "Leave the factory, leave the forge, and dance to the New St George!"

Too many mobiles!

Yes! Our team of highly skilled operators is ready to take your call!


Welcome to the home page of New St George Morris, a fun-loving bunch of rogues and reprobates from the East Midlands of England who like to indulge in some Cotswold morris dancing when they're not working for a living.

Brackley Stick Dance 'Bean Setters'

[Village Fête, Hose, Leicestershire, July 2000]

Feel free to play around with the sidebar (to the left of the screen) to find out a bit more about what we do, why we do it, where we've done it and where we intend to do it.


Have fun exploring the site, and don't forget to leave a message in our guestbook before you go. You know you want to!


Counter  people have come to visit us.


 And finally...

New St George Morris is a member of

The Morris Dancers' Webring

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Last site revision: 12th September, 2000