The Secret Circle's Update Page

Welcome to The Secret Circle's Page of Updates where I, Diana, can tell you when one of the Circle's Members have decided to help you out a little bit more in their field of Expertise. If you have any information that pertains to any of the links within this page or are looking for something in particular, please e-mail it to Secret Circe. Thank you very much.

The pages have been slightly revamped, and the image map has been added. You can now email each person from their page!

8-17-98: Added a spell in Susans spells, added something in Deborah's page, and added a spell to increase psychic powers in Susan's second page of spells. Please e-mail Diana Meade on the spells that you have tried and and have worked. Please be as descriptive as possible and be HONEST please. My address is and/or my AOL screen name is dianameade. I'm looking forward to people's comments so that I can aim the page to those spells and ideas that work for people and take out the ones that don't work.
6-25-98: Create the page that you are looking at right now, placed in a picture from "L.J.Smith World", and looked around to see what needed cleaning up (I was on a little vacation...^_^).

This is part of The Night World

If you have any questions, comments, great spells and/or information that you would love to share with us to be placed on this page, please email Cassie Blake, leader of the Night World.