The Vampire Armand

I visited New Orleans for the 1998 signing of The Vampire Armand and took these pictures:


Anne with pianist Michael Koeber who played Beethoven's "Appassionata" while Anne signed.

My favorite part of Anne's doll collection.

One of the stained glass windows in the chapel of St. Elizabeth's. These windows are enormous.

The Altar at St. El's. It is flanked by two angels and topped by a statue of the Virgin.

The altar as seen from the main aisle.

Anne has had the chapel repaired and painted beautifully. This is the statue above the altar.

Anne signed my picture of the house on Divisadero, her eyes always light up when she looks at this house.


Rue Royale photo 1--the front of the house.

Rue Royale photo 2-- the side of the house.

Rue Royale photo 3--It's called Gallier House, it is easy to find.

Rue Royale photo 4--someone turned on a light !

French Quarter Lace The French quarter is full of this lovely lattice work.

Imagine Louis in his study, candles burning, books all around.

The picture at left is a bookmark designed for Anne by a young man I met at the Anne Rice Collection (it's in the Rink). Stop by and say hello to Michael and tell him how much you like his work.
(Look, Harry, it's a Magus !!)
This is what Armand references several times in the book, this beautiful painting from The Chapel of the Magi - The Chapel of the Magi in the Medici Palace Palazzo - The Procession of the Magi and the figure of Prince Lorenzo.


From Jackson Square looking toward the Cathedral.

The cathedral and surrounding buildings as seen from the Square.

A close up of the church spires.

This is a statue of St Joan of Arc and one of the Holy Water fonts at the main entrance.

The main altar. (Yes, I asked permission to take these pictures.)

Latin words around the main altar. Translation: I am the way, the truth, and the life.

The huge mural over the altar of St Louis, King of France.

Another view of the Cathedral from Jackson Square.

Still another view of St. Louis Cathedral and General Jackson taken from Jackson Square.

The Cathedral has its own website, please check it out.
Welcome to the Official Saint Louis Cathedral Website


About a block from St. Elizabeth's is a restaurant named Copeland's which is decorated in shades of peach and bright blue. The restaurant has attracted much attention recently as it does not match the decor of the neighborhood.

This wonderful angel was in Jackson Square attracting tourists and making some money allowing her picture to be taken. I thought she was very original. Jackson Square becomes similar to the Fisherman's Wharf district of San Francisco, with the artists and merchants selling their wares. There are many unusual and talented individuals here.
