Mr Mojo Risin

Lets reinvent the gods, all the myths of the ages
celebrate symbols from deep older forests

James Douglas Morrison

Here are the writings of one person, who saw him in concert and shared her thoughts with a friend:

A shadow came out of the wings. A beautiful phantom in a sloppy pea jacket, floppy light brown leather hat, hair down to here, and these impossible tight leather pants......There was instant applause and cheering. He stepped to the microphone, grabbed the top with his right hand and the stand with his left finger-tips, and looked up so the light hit his face.
The world began at that moment.

There isn't another face like that in the world. It's so beautiful and not even handsome in the ordinary way. I think it's because you can tell by looking at him that he IS God. He's everything that ever was and all that ever can be and he KNOWS it. He just wants to let us know that so are we.

He starts out shrieking, eating the microphone, pressing his thin leather leg against the stand. There were a few times when he scared me to death. He grabbed the mike in both hands and screamed and shook until everyone was sure he was being electrocuted. Purely for effect. And even though he tries to hold it back--once in a while he breaks into a smile that is so beautiful you want to hug him.