Dick's Own Corner of the Web

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Welcome to my page. I live in Louisiana, near Baton Rouge but making plans to move out of this land of southern hospitality, the Jazz Fest, crawfish boils, Mardi Gras, Cajun cookin', 100% humidity, the world's best coffee, and the French Quarter. "Home" will then be a beautiful area we've found not far from the headwaters of the Arkansas River in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I like late 60's, early 70's American muscle cars and I also enjoy working alone in my shop doing woodworking. Lately I've gotten into making home-brewed beer, which is an interesting hobby. I like to garden also, and love camping out in a tent with a nice campfire to stir while I drink a cold Corona with a slice of lime and contemplate deeper issues, like the next beer. I hope you enjoy your visit to my page.

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This pic was taken last January near the area in Colorado we're planning to move to. It's very beautiful country, and I can't wait to live there. Hey....It's a DRY cold! :-)

Pictures of some great people

(begin the guided tour here)

A couple of my woodworking projects

Some nice pics of Colorado

A Few Miscellaneous Pics I Hope You Like

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