A message from Don D.

Jan 25th, 2000

To all Longstanding Nefarius Headz:

Through correspondence with many of you over time I have felt the support that you have demonstrated for all of us and can appreciate that many will be disappointed by what you will read here.

The Nefarius experience for me was forged from not just a talent in and a love for hip hop; but also ideals such as fraternity, friendship, trust, and personal and professional integrity. Having witnessed the erosion and compromise of all of these, I am unprepared to continue the affiliation that kept the group intact. On November 23rd 2000, I quit my association with Collizhun, dissolving what remained of our group and laying to rest the 'Nefarius' name that I put forth to represent Kwesro (R.I.P.), Collizhun and myself. There is no more Nefarius.

My biggest regret is that we did not produce the Nefarius album paying full tribute to Kwesro that so many were awaiting. To those wishing to help sustain his memory, I again direct you to his bursary at Downsview Secondary. Full details are on this site. More importantly than something tangible to remember him by, real tribute can be paid to him through striving for the values that he lived his life by.

Yes, there is still a long completed and pressed Tough Dumplin' Foundation for Better Beats album (not a Nefarius album) to be released. Expect to see it as soon as Apollo Records demonstrates that its accounting on our product so far is honest and a respectable deal is inked. How soon both of these can be accomplished is at this point beyond my control. Despite my insistence on it, there is no contract in place to guarantee conditions governing our royalties or rights as artists. Consequently, the right to publish this material is not assigned to them until there is one. They cannot legally release our product without this.

The Nefarius website will stay online indefinitely serving only as an archive for Canadian hip hop heads. For those of you who still wish to contact me, I can be reached here . Collizhun can be contacted through Apollo Records.

A special thanks to all of you that really knew about us, played our music, shoutted us out and showed us love everywhere. Even further thanks to those instrumental in our rise. You know who you are.

Success is determined not only by what you achieve, but how you achieve it.
Harold Robertson
Don D.