History of the Cemetery

Bits and Pieces

I found this information about the purchase of lands for Green Hill:

"In 1887 the city of Greensboro purchased from Judge John A. Gilmer and his wife 57 acres of land, which was laid out as a cemetery. Doctor Gregory and his son, Herbert, made the first map of the same. Later, in 1902, 1907, and 1908, the city purchased small lots of land from Mrs. Mary C. Jones, Commisioner, Southern Loan and Trust Company, and M.J. Adams and wife, which was land East of the cemetery and West of Wharton Street."

(Source: North Carolina Room materials, Greensboro Public Library)

This is a Public Notice from the Cemetery Trustees--Early 1900's:

Why not give your lot in Green Hill Cemetery to the cemetery
trustees for perpetual care?
(See on other side what is meant by perpetual care of lots)
The more lots we have in perpetual care
the better we can care for them, and the bet-
er we can make the whole cemetery look.
Don't wait for your executor to do what
you ought to do now. Drop a postal to the
chairman of cemetery trustees and, at once,
you will be notified what it will cost you to
have your lot perpetually cared for.

From the "other side" referred to:

"By Perpetual Care of Lots is meant that Lots and Graves
are sodded and seeded as may be necessary and the grass always
kept in neat condition by mowing, watering, fertilizing, et cetera;
having all monuments, headstones, curbing, and other stone work
kept plumb, straight, or in proper condition; such shrubs, trees,
etc., as are there, pruned and attended to as they should be--
the aim being to keep the lots in perpetuity in just such condition
as the best kept lots in the cemetery are now kept. The Ceme-
tery Trustees are not responsible for the wear or damage to
monuments or curbing by the elements."

I also have a copy of a very detailed layout map of the cemetery from 1904.
However, this map is so large that I do not believe I can reduce it enough for
a good picture on a computer screen (approximately 4 feet large). I do hope
to find a way to provide you textual information about the map.

  • For instance, the map of 1904 indicates that a section (next to what is now Hill Street) had been reserved for "Negros". However, these citizens opted to rest in Union Cemetery.

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