The Hungry Monster

by thebaglady, Prose Investigator

This page is dedicated to Voters

For over a year, President Clinton’s enemies
have talked about his being judged by the law...
They rant to us
that Clinton is not above the law,
that he should not
enjoy a double-standard – they say he is
a shameless criminal.

Those who believe the President is being
over-killed by his enemies remind us
our President is not under the law.
They try to stop our election from being overthrown,
they want our elected President to finish his term.
They do not believe Clinton is a criminal.

In the larger scheme of things,
we have learned
a president’s private sex life is not
a forgettable incident, an embarrassment.
Such can be twisted into
alleged perjury before a Grand Jury
and Obstruction of Justice –
we have learned the entire case against our President
is about some kind of consensual sex activity.

Further, we have learned that
misspeaking about a private sex life
can lead a President to
galloping impeachment,
a Senate trial,
world television coverage,
outrage-obsessed pursuit.

Questions looming now are:
Have we gone overboard morally?
Is this over yet?
Is our President guilty of an impeachable crime?
How much is Monica going to make on her book?
Is everyone’s consensual sex life public domain now?
Is the President in or out of office?
Is this the end yet or not?

The tenor of all these questions is laced with
moral outrage, sarcasm, and increasing hostility...
on one side;
and great embarrassment and fear
on the other.

Under constant (and nasty) pressure
our President must lead our government
as best he can,
support and guide our country at home and afar.
As the leader of the free world, he must be
aware of all hazardous circumstances,
all world problems. Oh yes -

As we flip channels with our remotes at home,
The Clintons must wonder what has hit them?
Great balls of fire – what?
To survive, the first family has become
disproportionately embarrassed,
nonresponsive, unnaturally silent.
They balk from ongoing unceasing battering.
No one in the family has had any peace of mind
for over a year – they are constantly mocked.

Reporters, photographers, and media sharks
stampede Monica Lewinsky,
all seemingly hopeful for a ugly ‘fat’ picture...
a grimace, a sneer,
a lashing out…an unsightly giggle.
She has become America’s Princess Diana...

Against this backdrop of passionate politics,
preening pre-occupied Congresspersons
lumber about superciliously pontificating.
Senators poorly attempt civility...
too many of them wondering and worrying perhaps
that Larry Flint (or someone else)
might bomb-drop them.

Many news show guests appear rumpled,
as if they suffer battle-fatigue.
Still, they display amazing agility
to stalking, trick questions
they are urged to answer-
Yata yata yata: the game is afoot!

This feeding frenzy has lasted over a year
but media heads chafe if anyone says
"I want this over."
Lots of media chafing and peevishness...
Talking heads wear their mikes possessively,
like battle ribbons...
They make big bucks on this scandal
and do not want to let it go.

It seems the president and the people are
outfoxed and surrounded,
running out of ammunition... and
the rhetoric of denunciation is disquieting,
for none of us are sexual saints.
But more than that,
none of us are so pure
we have never lied about something...
about something.
Thus, we feel guilty by proxy somehow.
Ah, this is a dirty mess!

Some of us shun the righteous pronouncements
we’ve heard however,
in spite of reprisals we might endure.
We reflect, worry...
we are contrite
that we were absolutely powerless
to prevent our President’s Impeachment.
We feel double-crossed and frightened,
even mute.

We do not like the way the Senate trial
is continuing to railroad Clinton –
we fear Clinton will be
removed from office...we’ve seen
things get out-of-control before.
The momentum of this cuts us deep.

This scandal is too public for many of us,
too hostile.
We hang in there listening and watching
in distress,
putting in our two cents worth as I am doing now,
because we feel obligated
to this trampled family.

So? Who is the runaway horse?
The Republicans?
The House? The Galloping House Managers?
The Senate?
The Media?

As much as we enjoy a bit of 'scandal' now and then,
this one’s morning noon and night constitutional is
undeserved punishment
far beyond the Law of our Land.
Can anything be done to stop what’s happening?
Seems not...A monster has been created.

Where’s the monster going next?
Who is its next victim, its next dinner?
This is one hungry monster...
this is not a horror movie.
Are you frightened it will wind up
in your backyard next? I am.

2-8-99 7:34pm
~~~thebaglady has spoken~~~
Guess that's all I've got in me tonight
about the Prez and our troubles.

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TheBagLady Staff
Prose Investigator: TheBagLady herself
Talking Heads: You may apply for this email
Plain Clothes Body Man: the Bud
Staff Psychologist: Sir Bob
Remedial Reading Interlocutrix: M'Lady Gloria
Reserve Militia: BlackFlag and Bastuere Frommel

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The Starr Report (CNN’s copy)

"Oh, No, Bill..." by thebaglady
click to read NEXT on the prez, #2

Click right on the prez,#1

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Get The Dixie Flag Down in Columbia,
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