The Pickwick Club
New Orleans
The Pickwick Club was the public counterpart to the secret Mistic
Krewe of Comus which formed just before the Civil War. It was
the first of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Krewes and essentially made
Mardi Gras into the event that we know it as today.
The purpose of the club being:
"... the establishment and maintenance of proper rooms for literary
and reading purposes, for the collection of valuable works of art, books,
charts, maps, painting, statuary, coins, etc., for the use of its members
and the cultivation and improvement of a scientific and literary taste,
and for the promotion of scale intercourse, enjoyment, comfort, harmony,
refinement of manners and intellectual improvement."
The book, "The Pickwick Club of New Orleans", makes four references to Octave F. Vallette:
He is listed as one of the signatories of the 2nd charter of the
Pickwick Club. (Appendix M)
The first charter was to expire in 1884 and this second document chartered
the club for 99 years (4/4/1883 - 1982).
He is listed in Appendix A of the book that lists all members of the
club and the date they were admitted.
Unfortunately, he was admitted during a period for which no records have
been found (possibly destroyed in the fire of 1894), so his admittance
date is listed only as being between 1866 and 1874.
His name is not among those listed as having participated in the Comus
parade of 1873, but IS among those listed as being in the "Photo Taken
in 1874" (Appending H).
He is listed in "Appendix 'F' - Pickwickians wounded in the Civil War".
"Holding it to be a self evident truth that man at his creation was
so constituted, that social and intellectual enjoyment should ever be the
accompaniment of labor and that an agreeable relaxation from daily toils
is always conducive to the proper excersize of his mental faculties and
a pure solace to all the ills which flesh is heir to:..."
"The Pickwick Club of New Orleans" (Augusto P. Miceli, 1964
Pickwick Press, LOC 65-16407).
Revenez au Page du Chez de Octave
F. Vallette.