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Updated Thursday, November 30, 2000 07:50 AM

Hello, Welcome to The Ridic Players' Club!

We're glad you decided to sign up. 


    By signing up for a team, you are agreeing to play.  Please notify your team of any absence.  Three games missed without notice may result in being booted. 


    By signing up for a team, you are agreeing to Talk City standards.

    If unfamiliar with those rules, please go to the talk city web site.  Please remember that there are times when children under 18 join the tournament.


    Pop-Ups are allowed before and after games, not during, to reduce the heinous lag.


    Champ rounds are not played in this league.  We skip them completely...(nice time for a bathroom trip if you need one).


    To sign up for the next available slot, please go to the handy signup form, located here.

    Applications are forwarded to hope_1 (a volunteer) who assigns players to openings.   During the regular season, you will be given the next available slot.  At the beginning of each season we attempt to assign every interested player to a team.


    At the current time you may not select a team preference.  Every player is initially randomly assigned.  Trading is never allowed.

    The only way to change teams is to resign from your current slot, and be randomly assigned to the next available seat.  Players who resign may choose to return to their original team if they choose.


    The first week (or two) of each season is preseason play.   Games do not count towards final season statistics and are irrelevant for choosing a champion team.


    Hope_1 creates the schedules and emails them to team captains. The schedule is usually posted within 24 hours on this web site.


    All game times are Eastern Time (standard or savings...depending on the time of year.)  If you live elsewhere and do not understand how to convert times, there is a helpful web site that will do the conversion for you.


    There are six tournament rooms.  Each game day and time has an assigned room.   Look here  for more information on room assignments.


    The first team listed on the schedule is the home team and joins team 1, the second team is the away team and joins team 2.

    Upon entering the room,  verify you are on the appropriate team. If you are booted from the room, please confirm your team placement when you get back.  Points you score for the other team are final.


    When you join the room, a monitor is usually present.  Monitors are VOLUNTEERS, who will type in ALL CAPS in purple giving instructions before the games begin.  They are responsible for voicing all players.

    The monitor decides on which category the game begins, and announces it before the category comes up.  The monitor is there to make calls as well.

  • EQUALITY ROUNDS 6/99 Captains Act

    Stringing text (typing two or more answers on the same line) during an equality round is illegal and will result in a player losing voice for the remainder of that game.  Repeated acts of stringing answers on one line may result in penalties.

  • RESIGNATION (voluntary and non-voluntary)

    If you want to resign from the tournament, notify a team captain, who will request a replacement.  No resignation is accepted by the tournament until a team captain requests a replacement.  Please don't just drop off the face of the earth.  A polite email doesn't let 14 players down the way repeated lack of attendance does.

    If you decide after resigning, that you want to play again, please feel free to submit a new application.  You will be put at the bottom of the waiting list and will be put in an a slot on a first come, first serve basis.

    If you do not show up to a frequent number of games, it is at the captain's discretion to have you replaced on the team.  Repeated absenteeism may result in removal from a team at the discretion of the captain.

Welcome again to the tournament.   We hope you enjoy your stay.


Editors: ev & athena