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FourPlay Lost :-(
SixPack Won :-)


Congratulations to SIXPACK

(from-name) Kaitlin
(date) Tues 5/29
(Teams_Playing) FourPlay vs SixPack
(game_1) 30-26 SixPack
(game_2) 30-22 SixPack
(who_showed) Vi Wattle Green Dise Opnarms Cub Syzygy Molly Kaitlin
(MVP) Green & Dise
Exciting close games tonight. We were tough but SixPack was tougher. Many times during both games the score was tied. The lead went back and forth.

Congrats to our MVP'S Green & Dise

Congrats Packers ^6

Six Pack
(from-name) csquaredaz
(date) Tuesday (5-29)
(Teams_Playing) Six-Pack vs 4Players
(game_1) 30-26 Six-Pack
(game_2) 30-22 Six-Pack
(who_showed) cragio, mocha_love2000, QWEST98, Bailey-3, cragio, Cove-, csquaredaz.
(MVP) darlinglily & cragio
WOW, these were some close games, one more round at the end of either of these games and the 4Players could just as easily have come out on top instead of the Sixers. Congrats 4Players, y'all played superbly, and congrats to lily and cragio on being voted co-MVP's!!


Wishes Good Luck to SIXPACK and FOURPLAY in tonights playoff games.

editors:  athena & ev