Descendants of Henry Andrews born abt 1720 died 1765+Mary ?
*Fairly reliable information indicates that the first Andrews in this family to come to the New World was Thomas I. Andrews who arrived here about 1692. In corroboration, an Andrews descendant near Hillsboro, North Carolina, has a whetstone initialed T.I.A and dated 1690. Unfortunately, there is a break in the chain of kinship between Thomas and Henry. We know that Henry was a descendant of Thomas, but do not know the names of the intervening generations of Andrews between the two.
2 Thomas Andrews ..........
2 Henry Andrews ..........
2 Anne Andrews ..........
2 Rebecca Andrews ..........
2 Catherine Andrews ..........
2 Jane Andrews ..........
2 David Andrews ..........
2 John Andrews ..........
2 Robert Andrews
2 William Andrews 1750 - 1821 +Mary Lloyd ....(for clarity William was placed last, but he was actually 1st child)
3 William Andrews ......................
3 Henry Andrews ......................
3 John Andrews ......................
3 Mark Andrews ......................
3 Archibald Andrews ......................
3 Starling Andrews ......................
3 Elizabeth Andrews ......................
3 Willy Andrews ......................
3 Jenny Andrews ......................
3 Patsy Andrews ..........
3 Laban Andrews Abt 1775 - +Rebecca King Abt 1775 - ..................................
4 Henry Andrews ..................................
4 John Andrews ..................................
4 Berry Andrews ..................................
4 David Andrews ..................................
4 Nancy Andrews ..................................
4 Elizabeth Andrews ..................................
4 Delia Andrews ..................................
4 Hannah Andrews ..................................
4 Willie Andrews ..................................
4 Green Andrews ......................
4 William Andrews 1797 - Abt 1877 +Martha Carroll (History of Walker County, Georgia stated:"William Andrews, 14 children, all sat down around table when grown.")
5 Turner Andrews 1819 - Abt 1866 .............. +Cynthia Carruthers ......................
6 Spencer Ruffin Andrews ......................
6 Angeline Andrews ..........
5 Mary Andrews 1821 - .............. +Meridith Brewer 1820 - ......................
6 Sarah Brewer 1848 - ..........
5 Alexander Andrews 1823 - 1905 .............. +Sarah Elizabeth Payne 1839 - 1912 ......................
6 Julia Andrews 1863 - 1928 .......................... +Robert Berry Camp ......................
6 Lena Andrews 1866 - 1930 .......................... +Avery "Bud" Camp ......................
6 Otey Payne Andrews 1869 - 1944 ..................+Adah Frazier ......................
6 Laura Andrews 1871 - 1960 .......................... +Malcolm M. Crowder, MD ............
6 William Calvin Andrews 1872 - 1963 .............. +Hester Ann Rogers .............
6 Henry Gaston Andrews 1871 - 1880 ......................
6 Hettie Andrews 1876 - 1964 .......................... +John S. Bell ..........
5 Elizabeth Alice Andrews 1826 - .............. +Unknown Little ..........
5 Henry G. Andrews 1827 - .............. +Unknown Blanton ..........
5 Minerva Andrews 1829 - .............. +Unknown Stout ..........
5 Miley 1831 - .............. +Unknown Shaw ..........
5 Rebecca Caroline Andrews 1834 - .............. +Unknown Brewer ..........
5 Rosannah Emeline Andrews 1836 - ..+Unknown Beard - 1st Husband of Rosannah
6 Calvin Beard 1858 - .....
+Miah Evitt 1836 - *2nd Husband of Rosannah Emeline Andrews
6 Edna Evitt 1862 - ......................
6 William Evitt 1867 - ......................
6 Lenelle Evitt 1869 - ..........
5William Gaston Andrews 1838 - +Mary Jane Carmichael ..........
5 Calvin Jones Andrews 1840 - 1909 +Cynthia Elizabeth(Lizzie) Bowers 1844 - 1916
6 William Andrews 1868 - 1951 +Ada Louisiana Walden 1874 - 1963
6 Edward Byron Andrews 1864 - +Mollie John Childers
My grandfather, William Andrews, on the left, and his brother, Edward Byron Andrews, on the right, in the garden of the old home place about 1930. David Andrews, one of William's grandchildren, is behind them.
Click to see a picture of THE OLD HOMEPLACE AT HAZEL GROVE
6 Martisha Andrews 1866 - ......................
6 Georgia Andrews 1870 - ......................
6 Ruby Andrews ......................
6 Sallie Andrews ......................
6 Ferd Andrews ......................
6 Allie Andrews ......................
6 Junie Andrews ..........
5 Martha Jane Andrews 1842 - ..........
5 Nancy Adeline Andrews 1845 - .............. +Daniel Puckett ..........
5 Martisha Evaline Andrews 1848 - .............. +Ed Baker
The background music is of course the Scottish Anthem, "Scotland the Brave." After all, the Andrews clan is Scottish.