Scale Rubber Powered Planes

The picture above has faked out more than one reader. It is an actual photo of a 17" Herr Taylorcraft.

Scale planes represent the greatest achievment to me. Most people who get into modeling would like to try their hand at a P-51 or a B-17. Heck, there is a guy across the street from me who is building an 80" wingspan r/c Corsair who has never flown an r/c plane in his life (sadly, that is not unique). The suggestion that you will get from experienced modelers is to leave complex scale subjects on the shelf until you have aquired the skills necessary to build straight, lightweight structures, do at least half way decent job of covering and have trimmed out a few planes. Even then, you are best off modeling a subject where the full scale version was an overgrown free flight plane itself (like a Champ or a J-3).

So far I have built five scale subjects