The Restoration of Old Violins

ISBN 0 9528039 1 7 © 1999 Ron Fearn All rights reserved.

Sample Section (Peg Fitting)
Contents Page


For many years, Ron Fearn's hobby has been the restoration of old violins rescued from the oblivion of junk shops and auctions. Some of these have been split, cracked, and generally in a state that the average person would think to be beyond repair. With a great deal of care and skill from Ron, these musical wrecks have been turned back into good-looking, playable instruments used by lovers of fine music.

Now Ron has distilled his many years of acquired skills into a small booklet which will be of use both to the hobbyist who needs a refresher course on all the details, and to the novice who has, or can buy, a few good tools, and who has an interest in, and a love of, these beautiful instruments. For the sum of GBP 4.50 plus postage (proceeds in aid of Leeds Christian Home for Autistic Adults), he will send you a copy of his small but useful booklet, packed with notes, distilled wisdom and diagrams explaining how to do repair tasks both large and small. Whether you want to fit a bridge, replace a sound post, rebush the peg-box, renew a fingerboard or repair major damage to the body, this is the booklet for you.

See also Ron's main research publication on hearing loss in young people. (This is free to all interested parties)

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