Articles and Manuscripts
by Salvatore Barba
- Performances of the Italian Seismic Network, 1985-2002: the
hidden thing, by Marchetti A., S. Barba, L. Cucci, and M.
Pirro. Annals
of Geophysics, 2006, in press. Refereed manuscript available through
- Normal-fault stress and
displacement through finite-element analysis, by Megna A., S. Barba,
and S. Santini. Annals of
Geophysics, 48, 6, 1009-1016, 2005. Open access PDF available through
- Reverse migration of seismicity along thrusts and normal
faults, by
Carminati E., C. Doglioni, and S. Barba,
Earth Sc. Rev., 65,
195-222, 2004. Open access postprint available through
- Working group for the seismic hazard map of
Italy (2004) Redazione della mappa di pericolosità
sismica prevista dall’Ordinanza PCM 3274 del 20 Marzo 2003.
Rapporto conclusivo per il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. INGV,
Milano-Roma, Aprile 2004, 65 pp. + 5 appendici.
- Dynamic
modelling of stress accumulation in central Italy: role of structural
heterogeneities and of rheology,
by Carminati E., F. Toniolo Augier and S. Barba, Geoph.
J. Int., 144,
2, 373-390, 2001.
- Space-time variations of Umbria-Marche region instrumental
by Megna A., S. Barba, S. Santini and F. Vetrano, Annali
di Geofisica, 43,
5, 921-937, 2000.
- Analysis
of seismological and geological observations for moderate size
earthquakes: the Colfiorito fault system (central Apennines, italy),
by S. Barba and R. Basili, Geoph.
J. Int., 141,
1, 241-252, 2000.
- Contribution of numerical modelling to the understanding of
seismotectonic regime of the Northern Apennines, by A. M. Negredo, S.
Barba, E. Carminati, R. Sabadini and C. Giunchi,
Tectonophysics, 315,
1-4, 15-30, 1999.
- Seismic
Signal Detection by Fractal Dimension Analysis by
P. Tosi, S. Barba, V. De Rubeis and F. Di Luccio, Bull.
Seism. Soc. Am., 89,
4, 970-977, 1999.
- Dynamic Modelling of Stress Accumulation in Central Italy,
by A.M. Negredo, E. Carminati, S. Barba and R. Sabadini, Geoph. Res. Lett.,
26, 13, 1945-1948, 1999.
- Studio
dei meccanismi di deformazione della regione italiana: vincoli
geologici, geofisici e modellazione geodinamica (in Italian), by S. Barba, 1999 (100 p.) Ph.D. thesis, Ph.D. in
Earth Sciences, Univ. of Roma "La Sapienza",
1996-1998. Open access PDF available through
- An estimate of hypocenter location accuracy in
network: possible implications for tectonic studies in the Italian
case, by R. Di Giovambattista and S. Barba, Geoph.
J. Int., 129,
1, 124-132, 1997.
- Site
Response from Ambient Noise Measurements: New Perspectives from an
Array Study in Central Italy by G. Milana, S. Barba, E. Del
Pezzo and E. Zambonelli, Bull.
Seism. Soc. Am., 86,
2, 320-328, 1996.
- Focal mechanisms in the Apennines, by R. Rosini, F. Di
Luccio and S. Barba, Phys.
Chem. Earth, 21,
4, 273-278, 1996.
- The ING Seismic Network Databank: a friendly parameters and
waveform database, by S. Barba, R. Di Giovambattista and G. Smriglio, Annali
di Geofisica, 38,
2, 213-219, 1995.
- Frequency response of a telemetered seismic system from the
seismometers to the digital acquisition systems, by R. Di
Giovambattista, S. Barba and A. Marchetti, Annali
di Geofisica 38, 1, 25-33, 1995.
- Accessing the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica Seismic
Network Databank (ISDN), by S. Barba, Di Giovambattista R. and G.
Smriglio, EOS,
76, 9, p. 89,
- Bridging the
gap between
national and local networks: a discussion by S. Barba
and F. M. Mele (text of the poster presented at the 1995 AGU Fall
Meeting, San
Francisco, CA)
- Site Response in the Irno Valley, Southern Italy, from
Noise Measurements by R. Maresca, C. Sabbarese, E. Del Pezzo, S. Barba,
F. Di Luccio and L. Cantore, Seismological
Research Letters, 65,
4, 193-203, 1994.
Complete list available on request
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Last Updated on April 27, 2006.