Debbi's Page

Debbi was born in Bethlahem Pennsylvania, but grew up in a small town in New Jersey. The town, Washington, is real close to the Delaware Water Gap, roughly 20 minutes by car. After high school, she moved to New York City and spent the next 18 years there living in a variety of different spots.

In late 1992, Debbi decided to move to Cleveland Ohio to be closer to her brother who already lived here. She settled in Cleveland Heights. We met in February 1993 at a Jewish Singles Event, talked for a bit, exchanged phone numbers, and went our separate ways. In late May 1993, Debbi called me to talk, we set up a date, and well, fell in love..

We got engaged in August 1993, and were married on November 27, 1993 by Rabbi Armand Cohen at Park Synagogue in Cleveland Ohio.

Write to Debbi at

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