Farfelle is a female Lab Mix whom we adopted from the Cleveland Animal Protective League on April 29, 1995. The APL tells us that she was originally from Westlake, Ohio.
She was 11 monthes old at the time we adopted her. She's fairly wild still, acting alot like a puppy. She tends to chew on things, and gets bored really fast. She's very playful, and loves children. Believe it or not, she appears to love the water too. She went swimming once already in the Metropark near our home.
Right now, Farfelle weighes 36 pounds and stands about 20 inches high. When stretching, she easily fills the back seat of our car.
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© 1997 by Ted Fabian. Ted can be reached at
tfabian@einstein.grc.nasa.gov or tfabian@juno.com