To continue to pursue a career in information systems through experience in networking, systems analysis and design, and other related disciplines.
Bachelor of Science, Cleveland State University. Graduated August 31, 1984 Computer Science Major, Accounting Minor.
NASA GLENN RESEARCH CENTER / NASA LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, Cleveland, Ohio. Communications Technology Division, Research and Technology Directorate. Employed full time as a computer scientist from September 27, 1998 to present. Duties included helping design, implement, and use a satellite network testbed and helping to research internet protocols and their use over satellite links. The eventual goal is to provide true network connectivity from ground based locations to orbitting spacecraft.
Freelance Writer, Cleveland, Ohio. Have written/sold a number of articles for publication on a variety of topics beginning in March 1998 to present. Samples and/or copies of articles available upon request.
Private Consulting Jobs, Cleveland, Ohio. On an as needed basis to a variety of individuals and companies beginning in September 1997 to present. Topics including computer setup, network design, troubleshooting, and computer security.
NASA LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, Cleveland, Ohio. Microgravity Science Division, Space Flight Directorate. Employed full time as a computer scientist from January 1, 1994 to September 26, 1998. Duties included network management and administration, applications design and development, contract management, system administration, information system development and implementation, procurement consulting and review, computer and system security, technical consulting, and user support.
NASA LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, Cleveland, Ohio. Operations Division, Space Station Freedom Directorate. Employed full time as a computer scientist from October 13, 1987 to December 31, 1993. Duties included network management and administration, applications design and development, contract management, development of procedures for adaptation of existing peripherals to new TMIS workstations, vendor coordination, and technical consulting and support.
ANALEX CORPORATION, Cleveland, Ohio. Employed full time as a software engineer from March 11, 1985 to October 12, 1987. Duties included troubleshooting, teaching, ordering hardware and software, Wang VS system administration, programming, systems design and analysis, and general data communications.
REVCO DISCOUNT DRUG CENTERS Store #1345, University Hts., Ohio. Employed full time as a stock clerk/cashier from July 31, 1978 to July 6, 1985.
Programming Languages: Assembler, PL/1, Cobol, Fortran, GPSS, Basic, Procedure Language, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Postscript, LaTeX.
Environment: IBM 370/158, IBM 4341, IBM 3081, PDP-11, PDP-8-E, IBM PC/AT, IBM/286/386/486/Pentium/Pentium II PC and clones, Wang PC, Wang VS 100, IBM 3270PC/AT, VAX 6000-340, Apollo Domain Series 3000, Atari 800, TRS80, Sun Sparc 2, Sun Sparc 10, Sun Sparc 20, Silicon Graphics Iris, Mac PowerPC 7100/8100/9500, Mac IIci, Mac Quadra 850, Convex, NEXT.
Data Communications: Modems (Asynchronous and Synchronous), BBS systems, protocol file transfers, minicomputer networks, local area networks, wide area networks, Ungermann-Bass XNS, TCP/IP, OSI, GOSIP, HTTP Web ervers.
Operating Systems: VM, TSS, MVS/XA, CICS, OSVS1, DOS 6.22 and prior, CPM-80, Wang 6.43, Aegis, OS/2 1.3, OS/2 Warp, SunOS, Solaris, SGI Irix, Berkeley UNIX, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, SCO UNIX, Linux.
Application Software: MS Windows 95, MS Windows NT Server 4.0, MS Windows NT Advanced Server, MS LanManager, MS SMS, WordPerfect 5.1, WordPerfect 6.0. WordPerfect 6.1, Windows For Workgroups 3.11, Windows 3.1, Lotus 123, Excel, Wang Office, Wang WP, Wang SNA, Interleaf Publisher, IBM Control Program, Kermit, Crosstalk XVI, Diagraph, Javelin, Enable, Prodesign II, DesignCad 3D, Symphony, Graphwriter, Displaywrite IV, RBASE System V, Boeing Calc, Oracle, Reflections IV, MS Word, MS Office, PC/TCP, Smarterm 340.
Topical Studies: Network Management, Operating Systems, Language Processors, Data Communications, Database Concepts, Structured Systems Analysis, Structured Systems, Design, Discrete Systems Simulations, Computer Vision.
Programming Languages Experience Level:
Environment Experience Level:
Data Communications Experience Level:
Operating Systems Experience Level:
Application Software Experience Level:
Negotiable, with appropriate benefits package including vacation, sick leave, and health care. Willing to relocate provided full expenses are included.
Furnished Upon Request.