Century Club

3905 Century Club, Inc.

This page last updated: Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 8:16:47 PM

The 3905 Century Club is basically a worked all states and awards net. The contacts may be used for any purpose you desire. Its a great way to pick up WAS and to make some really good friends. The net operates a free QSL bureau and you don't have to be a member to use it. Just keep some self-addressed stamped envelopes for your cards to be mailed to you in. The club operates many nets depending on the time of year and availability of net control stations. 40, 75 and 160 phone and 40 and 80 CW and RTTY. Late nets operate on 40 and 75 meters and 160 during the winter months.

You can find me on many nights during the early net on 40M that starts at 0000Z on 7.233.5 mHz +- QRM and then at 0200Z on 3.904 mHz. Stop in and join us sometime. Its one of the friendliest groups you will meet on the air these days.

Complete information on the 3905 Century Club, Inc. can be found on the official web site. You can download awards applications, addresses for all the QSL Bureaus, the net schedule and much more. If you are interested in the club, you will want to visit this site.

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