Twister Ball

Tornado's Rubber Band Ball

YES! Now I, too, own a rubber band ball!


I'm afraid it's true. Early one morning, I was looking through Yahoo's "Interesting Devices Connected to the Net" section, and stumbled upon this page. From there, I found these pages as well. Then my annoying little brain kicked in and said "Hey, why don't you do that? Wouldn't that be FUN?" Naturally, I listened to him, and this is the result. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it...hopefully a lot more.

NEW! I finally have an image of THE BALL on this page! Scroll down to see it . . .

THE BALL was born on the morning of August 12, 1996.

Statistics of THE BALL, as of July 10, 1999:

THE BALL is composed entirely of rubber bands (no fillers)
Current diameter of THE BALL: 3.5 cm (1 3/8 inches)
Current number of rubber bands in THE BALL: exactly 63
Distribution of rubber bands in THE BALL:
Photographer of THE BALL: my lead guitarist's father
THE BALL has: no agent
Age of THE BALL at time of photograph: nearly three years
Age of THE BALL at time of its creation: 100 microseconds
Rare earth elements encased in THE BALL: none
Number of rubber bands so far broken while attempting to affix them to THE BALL: 2
Number of rubber bands which have so far snapped since being affixed to THE BALL: at least 2
Number of rubber bands which have so far snapped and detached themselves from THE BALL: 0
THE BALL bounces: quite well

Changes in THE BALL:

The rubber bands have aged, causing their surface to become more cracked and brittle. Indeed, several rubber bands have already snapped, yet they have all been held on by other rubber bands (such a snapped rubber band can be seen at the very edge of the ball in the upper-righthand corner of the image). Otherwise, the ball has not changed. Sometime I plan to start adding to it again, perhaps with a different type of rubber bands (I would have to try to find some laying around somewhere or whatever, and it would presumably be better if they were a bit larger), but for now it stands as it is.

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