Missing box art image request table last updated: 02 Oct 1999


This page has been split into three sections: -
    1) Missing Boxart Images table
    2) How to contribute Kit Reviews
    3) Preferences on how to contribute images to this website.
- Please refer to the topic that most suits you.  All submissions and enquiries can be made through e-mail:

Can you supply scanned box art images of any or all of the following kits?  If so, please send them attached to an email in either .gif or .jpg format (please restrict emails to only one or two images as the ISP gets a bit narky :) and I will attach them to the relevant review - greatly appreciated.

Aeroteam 1/72 MiG-19 Farmer HiTech 1/48 P-63C Kingcobra
Aeroteam 1/72 Jak-11 (Let C-11) Intech 1/72 MiG-29 Fulcrum A
Airfix 1/72 A-7E Corsair Italeri 1/72 Junkers Ju-87R2 Stuka
Airfix 1/72 F-86D Sabredog Italeri 1/72 MH-53J Pavelow III
Airfix 1/72 Ka-25 Hormone Italeri 1/72 MiG-15 Fagot
Airfix 1/72 Lockheed U-2A/D KP 1/72 Skoda D.1
Broplan 1/72 Jak-25RW Mandrake Monogram 1/48 B-29 "Lucky Leven"
CMK 1/72 Arado Ar68F Monogram 1/48 F-117A Nighthawk
Esci 1/72 F-100D Super Sabre MPM 1/72 Heinkel He-100
Fujimi 1/72 Vought F7U-3 Cutlass MPM 1/72 Lavochkin La-9/11
Hasegawa 1/72 A-37A/B Dragonfly MPM 1/72 A7M Reppu
Hasegawa 1/72 B6N2 Tenzan (Jill) Type 12 PM 1/72 Sukhoi Su-15G Flagon
Hasegawa 1/72 F-4G Phantom II 'Wild Weasel' Revell 1/72 F-14D Tomcat
Hasegawa 1/48 Fw190A8/R11 Revell 1/48 F-14D Tomcat
Hasegawa 1/72 Grumman Tarpon Mk.II Revell 1/72 OV-10B Bronco (West German Target tug)
Hasegawa 1/72 J35O Draken (Austrian Air Force) Smer Hi-Tech 1/72 Spitfire Mk.Vb
Hasegawa 1/72 P-3C Orion Update II Testor 1/72 A-7E Corsair II
Heller 1/72 F-84G Thunderjet Ventura 1/72 Spitfire Mk.XI
Heller 1/72 P-39Q Airacobra Zlinek 1/72 Avia S-99
High Planes 1/72 P-51 "Precious Metal" Zvezda 1/72 Su-25 Frogfoot



Share your perceptions of a particular kit with the rest of the modelling community by sending in a full (or built up) kit review or one "in-the-box".  I am always in need of people assisting the resourcefulness of this site and your contributions would be very welcome.  Naturally, the author is always acknowledged at the top of the review.

The most preferred way is to simply send your kit review either in, or an attached to an email.  Best methods are in text, HTML or Word 97 or any text based document that could be easily converted from a Microsoft Office suite of products etc.  There is actually an on-line form for In-the-Box reviews with set out headings, however, an email is also quite fine as well - whatever you prefer.

Requirements for built up reviews are simple - make them concise and cover as much of the kit build-up as possible. Outline your experiences with the handling of the parts, the fit, accuracy, options and general ease of construction.  Have a look at the reviews already on this site for some inspiration as these are the most preferable methods for setting out.  The following headings are good things to cover in the review if possible, but remember there is no set of criteria so it's entirely up to you:
* Aircraft: A quick spiel on the aircraft the kit is reproducing such as a very brief overview or history
* Kit Parts: How many parts, clear parts, colour of plastic, raised or engraved panel lines, is there any flash, etc
* Instructions: Are they adequate, booklet or sheet of paper, what paint range is quoted, individual colour options etc
* Running commentary on construction: Ease of fit, parts numbered well, join lines, filling & sanding requirements etc
* Options: does it include moveable flaps, open canopy, open speed brake, moveable wheels & propellors, etc
* Versions: What versions does the kit reproduce, what colour scheme does it quote, are they real life aircraft examples
* Decals: Who produces them, are they thin or thick, is their register good, do they apply easily, do they disentegrate
* Overall accuracy: How does the kit measure up to reference material, Would you recommend the kit, etc
* Images: a scanned image of the box art and finished model are welcome to include with the review if you want
* Other: You are also welcome to supply any other info you feel is relevant such as rating, price, build date and so forth
Of course all these things are covered in the most comprehensive review and although are preferable they are by no means essential.  It's entirely up to the individual to write it how he/she sees fit and even basic reviews will still be considered for posting on this site - they are still informative. 

Conditions: As with anything of this nature there are some conditions. I think all speak for themselves but its best to set them down in front of you so you know what's expected:
*    By submitting a review you acknowledge that you are being honest about your assessment and are not affiliated with any model company in submitting a biased or unfair assessment
*    Reviews become the property of this site in order for them to be displayed (they are not used for any other purpose)
*    I reserve the right to edit any submissions - this is more of a spelling and perhaps grammatical nature, but most reviews are actually left as they are anyway
*    Your name needs to be disclosed at the top of the review so that you are rightfully credited and named as the author
*    Your contact point will always be 'rec.models.scale' unless you specifically permit me to display your email address
If you have any concerns about any of these conditions or want further clarification then please contact me by email,


IMAGE CONTRIBUTIONS (Box Art, aircraft & finished models)

There hasn't been a big influx of assistance in this area but I do appreciate the few of you who have helped me out, it is appreciated immensely.  My main aim is to have every review accompanied by its box art and wherever possible an image of the plane and/or the finished model.  If you are at all able to help out here, please do so, this is really needed.

Personally I do not have a scanner or handy access to one so most of the piccies you see on this site are generally from a painstaking process of tracking them down off the Internet - or of course supplied by someone else.  So please help if you are able to!!

Box art images: accompany all the reviews when possible, and the ones I need to be supplied with are listed in the table at the top of this page.  Generally they will be posted in a size format of between 200-250 width and 100-125 height.  This helps to make the review more identifiable in terms of the exact kit being written about as well as making them a little more appealing to readers.   Please ensure you clearly state the company, model & variant and scale of the box art you are submitting because quite often it's not obvious on the image itself.   An example of a good size is this Tamiya Meteor and you will note that one cannot tell what scale it is by looking at the image - 1/72 or 1/48?!

Tmy_meteor_48.gif (11925 bytes)

Finished Model images: Probably the best way to highlight a review is to include images of the model itself being built and finished.   Whether or not you have written the review, if you have a photo of the finished model to include please email it to me, preferably .jpg format, with exact details of the kit the model was made from (scale, variant, make, etc). I will then include it with the relevant review.  You will always be acknowledged as the image's owner and supplier!

Aircraft images: Do you have an image of an aircraft that you would like to supply to be included with the review.  These are also used as a means of identification and reference for the model kit's outcome. Things I look for are exact replication and colour details on camouflage etc.  If one of the reviews already has an image but you think yours is better, send it anyway because it will still be considered.  Sideview profiles (both photo and art) are especially welcome!  Also, please make sure that you observe any copyright practices, if you know the owner of any 'borrowed' image please get permission from them first, otherwise let me know who the owner is so I can at least acknowledge them on the site.


E-mail can be sent to My thanks to anyone who is able to provide assistance.


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