Roberto Ipinza HOMEPAGE

Assoc. Professor, Dr. Ingeniero de Montes, Ph.D.

Director in forest genetics and tree breeding Nothofagus project

Co-Chairman IUFRO Work Group S2.08.03

Director of International Course Forest Tree Improvement

Advisor in Genetic Improvement, Progenesis LTDA

Curso Colombia

The University 

Institute of Silviculture, Forest Genetics Area

Faculty of Forest Science, Universidad Austral

Casilla 567, Valdivia, CHILE 

Tel (56) 63 222077 Fax (56) 63 251657

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Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in General

Quantitative genetics

Strategies and genetics simulation


Vegetative propagation


Gene conservation

Resistance breeding

Taxa: Eucalyptus, Pinus, Nothofagus, Acacia and Populus

This page is maintained by Roberto Ipinza-Carmona in Chile. Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed.



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Last update: June 12, 1998



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