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The following list presents an enumeration of a few sites I personally recommend for their "Web Value" (of services/products freely available on the Internet).
Many other places (and recognized institutions) not explicitly mentioned here, also deserve special attention. Since their addresses are already presented at other pages, restating them here would invalidate my proposal of a concise list.
The order of presentation does not reflect a personal ranking of the services, but simply a particular grouping, among any other possible one.
- [NETLIB] - The Great Pioneer of electronic software libraries, still running valuable News and White-Page services like the [NA-NET]. Initiated also the [BIBNET] project, aiming the collection of accurate personal list of works in BibTeX format. Has inspired the new [HPC-NETLIB] information and software distribution service, geared specifically toward the High Performance Computing community. Of similar spirit to NETLIB, its worth mentioning also the [SOFTLIB] library maintained by the [CRPC] center at Rice University.
- [Argonne National Laboratory] - A forefront research laboratory, with interdisciplinary projects like [PETSC] and [SLES]. Also abridges the [Optimization Technology Center] which pursues the [NEOS] Project and maintains the [Interior Point Methods Archive]. Among the actual projects, one may find valuable information on available software for [Automatic Differentiation] and also obtain recognized packages like [ADIFOR] (by a special agreement license with Rice University), and [ADOL-C] (originally developed by prof. Andreas Griewank, while still at Argonne).
- [The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies] - The world's largest freely accessible database of BibTeX Bibliographies, maintained by Alf-Christian Achilles, deeply covering a broad spectrum of Mathematical and High Performance Computation areas. Holds an online base of more than 800.000 references in about 1000 archived bibliographies, (summing up to almost 500Mb of BibTeX files). Monthly updates the archived bibliographies (by automated scripts, seeking the new files directly from the original sources). Provides Comprehensive Search facilities, and graphical statistic distribution counts, with links to the original source and alternate distribution sites of each bibliography. Provides links to more than 30000 URL addresses of bibliographic items, and more than 2000 other sources of Bibliographies and Technical Reports. Highly recommended service [mirrored around the world], going straight to the point of providing a valuable base of references on many areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. No lost time with fancy gif's, animations or backgrounds, just the direct reference information in HTML or BibTeX format. More than 200.000 accesses per month (most of them successful in providing at least one reference). In full operation, since 1995.
- [NCSTRL] and [UCSTRI] - Two of the most recommended electronic Technical Report server Databases on the Computer Science area, providing abstracts and links to the original report sources.
- [SEL-HPC] - An archive run by the London Parallel Applications Center, providing information of Technical Reports and Articles databases. Covers many areas of Computation, specially Optimization, Computational Linear Algebra and Parallel Processing. Has the option to provide the result of queries, in BibTeX format, with the URL location of matching papers (when available).
- [Jou's], [Baum's], [Xu's] and [Hetrick's] lists, are of real merit for the impressive amount of Software information collected respectively about Scientific Computation, Optimization and C/C++ sources. A though task, specially to maintain up-to-date, which they manage to achieve very well (while still preserving their own sanity...).
- [GAMS] and [NHSE] - Two U.S. national initiatives aiming the guidance and information dissemination, on the availability and location of Scientific Computing Software.
- [Matrix Market] - For those seeking Sparse Test Matrices, its simply the right place to go! With an amenable graphical interface and advanced search procedures, one may easily locate the desired matrix sets, without having to spend hours through Internet general search services like [AltaVista] or [Yahoo]. Also provides links to many sparse matrix related software, like [SPARSELIB++], [IML++] and [TNT], developed by Roldan Pozo (the original creator and maintainer of the Matrix Market).
- [PARASCOPE] - A daily list of Parallel Computing sites and related information, initiated by David Bader, and now officially supported by the [IEEE Computer Society].
- [Michael Trick's] list - The reference source of information to sites and people related to Operations Research and Mathematical Programming. Also of value to researchers in the operations research or optimization fields are the [John Mitchell's] list of OR and Related Sites, [Henry Wolkowicz's] page, [Harvey Greenberg's] Mathematical Programming Glossary and the [IPM Online Archive].
- [Nelson Beebe's] homepage - Contains the authors original BibTeX sources of many [Bibliographies] of interest and links to [Digital Libraries] Services.
- [Z39.50] Gateway - A common search interface, connecting the majority of U.S. Libraries.
Clearly this list would be incomplete without mentioning some of the most acclaimed Societies like [ACM], [IEEE], [SIAM], [AMS], Research Centers like [RAL], [CERFACS], [CRPC], [ORNL], IBM [Thomas J. Watson], Xerox [PARC], [Bell Labs], [ICASE], [RIACS], [RUTCOR], [DIMACS], and Mathematics and Computer Science Departments of universities. Also of value are Bookstores like [Amazon Books] and [Barnes & Noble], which provides search interfaces with links to related books on each field, and general acclaimed Search Engines like [AltaVista], [Excite], [HotBot], [InfoSeek], [Lycos], [WebCrawler], [Yahoo].
Dr. Ricardo Duarte Arantes
Bibliographic References on Sparse Linear Systems
NA-Net: na.rarantes
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Mail Address:
Ricardo Duarte Arantes
Caixa Postal 11502, Copacabana
22022-970, Rio de Janeiro, RJ