There is a new picture page, long overdue check it out
Of course, a picture of me:
Hey, what do you know, Here is a picture of my gf:
Our First friend on this page...Check out my Bro SVENNIE and YES He gets a whole page by himself..
And some of my friends from back home:
From the Left, Sharmila,Brinda,Usha and ME.
My Friends Cris and Cat
Ah...finally...A picture of some members of my family...with a little piece of Mauritius in the background.
My Dad, Alda in the arms of her mother 'Shiloo', My swiss cousin 'Oliver',
My cousin and Alda's father 'Duncan', 'Oliver's' grandma 'Mamie', Me and My sis 'Shalima'.
More pics will be added later...dont worry..:)
I could not resist...just to say that I'm hindu and Proud of it.. A Link to Our HINDUISM Page.