Statesboro Astronomy Club

Georgia Southern Planetarium web site:
Statesboro Astronomy Club web site:
If you would like to be on our e-mail list to know about any "spur of the moment" observing sessions on clear nights, simply visit our home webpage and sign up. Just enter your e-mail address and click on "subscribe" then "Join," it's that simple! You'll never miss another event again!
It is our electronic daily newsletter to keep everyone up to date on astronomy activities and news.

Please mark your calendars for the following important dates for these free events:

Statesboro Astronomy Club Meetings and Events

*Star show of current night sky and telescopic observing (if skies are clear) following planetarium presentations.
The Statesboro Astronomy Club usually meets following planetarium public evenings.  New members are welcome.

Friday, Jan 19, 2007: 7 & 8 pm WHEN GALAXIES COLLIDE - Dr. James Higdon



Friday, April 27, 2007: 7 & 8pm EVENING UNDER THE STARS - Cory Rosenberger

For more information on these and other astronomy events, visit:

Georgia Southern Planetarium web site:
Please mark your calendars!


*Planetarium Directions:
The Georgia Southern Planetarium is located in the Math/Physics Bldg on Georgia Ave across Herty Dr. from Hanner Fieldhouse from Hwy 67. NOTE: HERTY DR HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY CLOSED BETWEEN SWEETHEART CIRCLE AND GEORGIA AVE TO MAKE A PEDESTRIUM. VISITORS CAN ENTER FROM HWY 67
For more info, call the Physics Dept at (912) 681-5292. All events are free and everyone is invited to join us!

located in the Math/Physics Building (203 on campus map)
More detailed online map at:

From Savannah: (approx. 1 hour drive) Take I-16W up to the Statesboro Exit. Turn right onto Hwy 67N. Follow it into Statesboro. The left turn onto Herty Dr. will be at the fifth trafficlight. Georgia Ave is the last left turn off Herty Drive. Parking will be to your right in the large parking lot, and the planetarium will be directly across the street in the Math/Physics/Computer Science building.

Dark Site Observing sessions: TBA (Join the e-mail listfor announcements)
    *** Please remember to dim your headlights and drive slowly and carefully asyou pull in, thanks. Remember to dress for the weather.  Some itemsto bring if you have them are: binoculars, telescopes, lawn chair, red filtered flash light, star and planet locator/charts, some snacks and a thermos of hot chocolate or coffee to help keep you warm. Always check if we are going to meet if the weather is questionable.

Some past events that were held:

2006 Events:
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 : 10am-3pm UNVEILING OF NEW HUBBLE IMAGE
Join us for another exciting unveiling of one of the largest images ever taken by the Hubble Space Telescope! This mural sized image of the Orion Nebula will be on permanent display at the planetarium.

Friday, January 27, 2006 : 7pm, 8pm RETURN OF STARDUST
Returning comet and interstellar dust to Earth at 28,000 miles per hour, the Stardust sample return capsule will reveal the primordial ingredients of our solar system. Join us to find out what was discovered as Stardust returned to Earth.

Friday, February 3, 2006 : 7pm, 8pm COMETS AND ASTEROIDS: COLLISION COURSE WITH EARTH will be presented by Planetarium Intern Zach Whigham.

Friday, March 3, 2006 : 7pm, 8pm OUR VERY OWN STAR
Observe the Sun even as our early ancestors did for their own survival. Discover what it means to be a magnetic star like the Sun. Find out what sunspots are and where they come from. Interactive live show with hands-on activities from the University of California at Berkeley.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 : 10am-2pm SUN-EARTH DAY
Drop by the planetarium to learn more about the Sun as we celebrate Sun-Earth Day. Replay of the total solar eclipse from Turkey via NASA TV, NASA DVDs, hands-on activities, and if skies are clear enjoy safe telescopic solar viewing outdoors in front of the Math/Physics Bldg. NASA Sun-Earth posters and bookmarks to be given away to visitors while supplies last.

Friday, March 31, 2006 : 7pm, 8pm ASTRONOMY AND THE STARS
Hear the ancient stories of the constellations presented by planetarium intern and education major Ronni Watson. Star show of the current night sky and if skies are clear telescopic viewing of Saturn and more following the presentation.

Hal Povenmire is leading an expedition in Statesboro, GA to gather data on the Moon passing between the Earth and Taygeta, a star in M45, The Pleiades. The star will appear to graze along the limb of the Moon, blinking in and out behind the higher elevations of the Moon. If you would like to participate with your telescope and recording equipment in this expedition, send an e-mail to For information on grazing occultations, visit:

Saturday, April 8, 2006 : 10am - 2pm ASTRONOMY AND SPACE DAY
Join members of the physics department and Statesboro Astronomy Club for a day of fun with Moon rocks from the Apollo missions and meteorites on display, star shows every hour, guest speakers, NASA videos on missions, many hands-on activities and displays for all ages, safe solar observing, telescopic observing after dark, and a lot more!

Friday, April 14, 2006 : 7pm, 8pm THE INFLUENCE OF ASTRONOMY UPON HISTORY
Through the ages astronomy has affected events and beliefs. Join us as planetarium intern and history major Jimmy Sheahan presents a fascinating look back in time. Star show of the current night sky and if skies are clear telescopic viewing of Saturn and more following the presentation.

Friday, July 7, 2006 (rain date July 14): 9 pm STAR GAZING AT THE LIBRARY
Members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club will share the views through their telescopes with the public. The Statesboro Regional Library is located at 124 S. Main St. across from Pizza Hut in Statesboro, GA.

Saturday, July 8, 2006 (rain date July 15): 7:30 pm TELESCOPE WORKSHOP AND STAR PARTY AT THE GARDEN
Members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club will help the public with their telescopes and share the views through their own telescopes with the public. The Georgia Southern Botanical Garden website with directions is at:

Friday, August 25, 2006: 7 and 8 pm THE EXPLORERS OF MAUNA KEA

Friday, September 29, 2006: 7 & 8 pm SAVING THE NIGHT (light pollution)

Friday, October 27, 2006: 7 & 8 pm TBA

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 3 - 5:30 pm TRANSIT OF MERCURY (observing location TBA)

Friday, December 1, 2006: 5, 6, & 7 pm THE DECEMBER SKY and SAC holiday party following

2005 Events:
Friday, January 21, 2005 - 6 pm and 7 pm Reaching for the Stars: Technology of Interstellar Space Travel Presented by Astronomer, Dr. Clayton Heller

What does the future hold for space travel? Will we be able to travel long distances in space? Could other civilizations have that capability? Join us to find out. Star show of the current night sky, and if skies are clear, telescopic observing of Saturn, the moon, and more following presentations.

Friday, February 18, 2005 - 6 pm and 7 pm Gravity Probe B: Testing Einstein's Universe Presented by physics major, Mr. Daniel Jones
Join us to hear about this fascinating mission and its discoveries about our universe. Star show of the current night sky, and if skies are clear, telescopic observing of Saturn, the moon, and more following presentations.

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 10 am - 5 pm Astronomy and Space Day 2005 8 pm - 9 pm Star Party Up On the Roof
Join members of the physics department and Statesboro Astronomy Club for a day of fun with Moon rocks from the Apollo missions and meteorites on display, star shows every hour, NASA videos on missions, many hands-on activities and displays for all ages, safe solar observing, telescopic observing after dark, and a lot more!

Friday, April 8, 2005 - 4:30 - 6 pm Live Annular Solar Eclipse!
Join us to safely watch this exciting event as the moon passes between us and the sun live through our telescopes or solar eclipse shades! (If weather is cloudy, star shows and solar eclipse demonstrated inside the planetarium.)

Friday, April 29, 2005 - 7 pm and 8 pm Ethereal Dreams of the Night Sky Presented by Mrs. Stephanie Jones
Join us to hear the mythology of the constellations. Star show of the current night sky, and if skies are clear, telescopic observing of Saturn and Jupiter following presentations.

Saturday, June 25, 2005 - 9 - 10 pm (if skies are clear) Star Party at the Garden - Join Statesboro Astronomy Club members at the Georgia Southern Botanical Garden as they share the views through their telescopes with the public. See the planet Jupiter and its largest moons, star clusters, constellations, and more. If you have a telescope you are not sure how to operate, bring it out and we will assist you.- Free sky maps, hands-on demos, and more. Hope you can join us for a fun evening under the night sky as we explore our galaxy. Free event for all ages.
Aug 26, 2005- 8pm - Planetarium - HUMAN EXPLORATION OF SPACE
Sept 23, 2005 - 8pm - Planetarium - ROBOTIC EXPLORATION OF SPACE
Oct 28, 2005 - 8pm - Planetarium - MARS LIVE!
Public Event Nov 3, 2005 - 5-8pm - Sallie Zetterower Elementary School Fall Festival - Mars Observing if clear - Located across from the Winn Dixie Shopping Center from Brannen St.
Public Event - Nov 7, 2005 - 7-9pm - Statesboro Regional Library - Mars presentation in the community room and observing if clear from their parking lot. Located on Main St across from the Pizza Hut.
Dec 2 - 8pm Planetarium - HOLIDAY SKIES (SAC HOLIDAY PARTY AFTER SHOW - bring party food)

2004 Events:
Aug 27, 2004 - 7 & 8 pm RingWorld: The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn

Presentation with all the latest images and discoveries from Cassini by NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador, Becky Lowder. A live planetarium star show of the current night sky, and if clear, outdoor telescopic observing will follow the presentation.

Sept 24, 2004 - 7 & 8 pm - Constellations: Stories of the Night Sky

Oct 22, 2004 - 7 & 8 pm - Eclipses!

Oct 27, 2004 - 9 pm until midnight (If clear) - Total Lunar Eclipse Party!

Nov 13, 2004 - 2 pm - Native American Skies

Nov 19, 2004 - 7 & 8 pm - Looking Up: How and Why We Use Telescopes to Study the Cosmos - Dr. Sean O'Brien

Dec 3, 2004 - 6, 7, & 8 pm - Holiday Shows

Georgia Southern Planetarium Spring 2004 Public Events

Fri, Jan 30
6 pm - University Students
7 pm – General Public
LIVE FROM THE RED PLANET - Dr. Lisa Rossbacher

Fri, Feb 27
6 pm - University Students
7 pm – General Public

Saturday, March 27      10 am – 4 pm     ASTRONOMY AND SPACE DAY 2004 AT THE PLANETARIUM!

Fri, Apr 23
7 pm - University Students
8 pm – General Public

2003 Events:
Friday, Sept 5, 2003, 8 pm 
"EXPLORING MARS!"  See Mars still at its best and closest in almost 60,000 years!  Learn about the many missions that have been there or are on their way to Mars.

Friday, Oct 3, 2003, 7 pm
Join us as we explore the fascinating theory of gravity!

Saturday, Nov 8, 2003, 7 pm
"TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: LIVE AT THE PLANETARIUM!"  Come out and join us as we watch a total lunar eclipse, live!  If cloudy or raining, we will still have it live on the dome via internet and bring the stars out in the planetarium.

Friday, Dec 5, 2003, 6:00, 6:30, and 7:30 pm
"THE DECEMBER SKY"  Join us for a festive evening under the stars and learn what you can see over the holiday season from your backyard!

 Saturday, August 23 after dark until midnight at the Magnolia Springs State Park, weather permitting.  Come out to see Mars at its best through telescopes of astronomy club members.  The state park requires a $2.00 car park pass at the gate.  For more information and a map, see the Magnolia Springs State Park website at:

Saturday, August 30 after dark until midnight at the George L. Smith State Park, weather permitting.  Again, come out to see Mars still at its best through telescopes of astronomy club members.  The state park requires a $2.00 car park pass at the gate.  For more information and a map, see the George L. Smith State Park website at:

Spring 2003 Georgia Southern Planetarium Public Evenings

January 10, 2003   7:30 pm      SEARCHING FOR ET - Mike Downing
Is there life out there in the universe, and how are we looking for it?

February 7, 2003    6:30 & 7:30 pm      LEGENDS OF THE NIGHT SKY - Marla Johnson
Hear the fascinating stories and mythology of the beautiful constellations.

March 7, 2003        7:30 pm      METEORITES AND ASTEROIDS - Dr. Michael Kelley
What is the connection between meteorites and asteroids?  Dr. Michael Kelley of the Georgia Southern Department of Geology and Geography will explore this topic.  Meteorites will be on display for viewing. 

April 5, 2003     10 am - 4 pm    ASTRONOMY AND SPACE DAY 2003!
Join members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club and the Georgia Southern University Department of Physics for a fun day filled with astronomy and space science activities, Moon rocks and more on display! star shows, rockets, Ask an Astronomer, and NASA-JPL videos of space exploration. 
For all ages, hope you can join us!

April 5, 2003     7:30 pm    STAR PARTY AT THE PLANETARIUM - UP ON THE ROOF (Please note change to new location )
Join us for a night of planet and star gazing outdoors, IF CLEAR, at the Georgia Southern Planetarium
This is a free public event, so plan on bringing the whole family on out for a night of star gazing up on the roof.
Hope to see you there!
For more information, please call the department of physics at (912)681-5292.

Saturday, July 19, 2003, 4 pm

Fall 2002 Georgia Southern Planetarium Public Evenings

                      Friday, September 13, 2002                7:30 pm
                      VOYAGER:  25 YEARS OF DISCOVERY AND BEYOND
                      JPL Solar System Ambassador, Becky Lowder, will explore the past fascinating discoveries, and the
                      future interstellar mission of Voyager as it continues its journey though space.

                      Friday, October 11, 2002                      7:30 pm
                      HUBBLE REBORN
                      Dr. Ben Zellner, Professor of Physics and Planetary Astronomer, will explore the history, images, and
                      recent servicing of the Hubble Space Telescope as we  look deeper into our universe.

                      Friday, November 8, 2002                      7:30 pm
                      SPACE, TIME, AND EINSTEIN
                      Dr. Clayton Heller, Assistant Professor of Physics and Galactic Astronomer, will explore Einstein’s
                      fascinating theory of relativity.  (High school age and up)

                      Friday, December 6, 2002                      5:30, 6:30, & 7:30 pm
                      THE CHRISTMAS SKY
                      What can I see in the sky from my backyard over the holiday season?  What type of telescope should I get
                      for Christmas?  Join us at the planetarium for a  festive look at the December sky and how you can share
                      it with family and friends over the holidays.

Spring 2002:

2002 Events:
Friday, January 25, 2002 - 7:30 pm    EXPLORERS OF MAUNA KEA 
(Middle school age and up please)
     Join astronomers as we explore our universe with some of the largest telescopes in the world atop
Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Interactive star show of the current night sky and a telescope mirror activity
included, as we all become explorers of the sky!  Telescopic viewing outdoors of Saturn and Jupiter
following the presentation, weather permitting.

Friday, February 22 - 7: 30 pm   SATURN:  LORD OF THE RINGS  (Middle school age and up please)
Join astronomer Dr. Clayton Heller, Assist. Professor of Physics, as he takes us on a tour of Saturn and its ring system.
Why do all of the gas giant planets have rings? Join us to find out!  Information on the Cassini mission to Saturn will also be discussed and fact sheets will be available for the audience. If clear, telescopic viewing of Saturn and Jupiter outdoors following the presentation.

(The following event will be held at the Georgia Southern Botanical Garden)
Saturday, March 2, 2002 (Rain date: March 9)   6:30 pm - 10 pm
Join members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club at the Georgia Southern Botanical Garden as they
share views of Saturn and its rings, Jupiter and its moons, the Great Orion Nebula, and other incredible
sky objects through their telescopes. Naked eye tours and stories of the constellations, as well as
information on the Galileo, Cassini, and other exciting missions into our solar system with NASA's JPL
Solar System Ambassador, Becky Lowder.
This is a free public event, so plan on bringing the whole family on out for a night of star gazing at the
garden. Bring your binoculars and/or telescope, blanket or chairs, and a red filtered flashlight if you have
The Botanical Garden is located on Bland Ave. From Fair Rd. (67) turn onto West Gentilly , take the first
left and bear left onto Bland Ave. Turn left through the main garden gates and park. There will be
someone there to guide you to the observing area.
If the weather is overcast/raining, we will move it to March 9 as a rain date. Hope to see you there!
web site:

Friday, March 22, 2002 - 7:30 pm   THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT:  FACT VS FICTION   (Middle school age and up please)
Join astronomer, Dr. Ben Zellner, Professor of Physics, as he explores the facts and myths of the greenhouse effect.
What happened on Venus,  and will it happen to Earth?  Please join us to find out!

Saturday, April 6, 2002 -  10 am - 4 pm    ASTRONOMY AND SPACE DAY 2002!     (For all ages!)
Join us for our largest event of the year to celebrate astronomy and space!
*See real moon rocks from the Apollo missions, and meteorites, on loan from NASA
*Meet and talk with astronomers from the Georgia Southern University Department of Physics
*Lots of hands-on astronomy and space activities for ALL ages
*Star shows of the current night sky on the hour
*Telescope and astronomy displays with the Statesboro Astronomy Club
*NASA/JPL videos on exploration of space with a NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador
*Free astronomy and space activities to take home
*Safe telescopic solar viewing of sunspots, if skies are clear

Friday, April 19, 2002 - 7:30 pm   KILLER ASTEROIDS?  (ages 10 and up)
Join Georgia Southern Physics Professor and Astronomer, Dr. Ben Zellner, as he discusses the search for asteroids coming too close to our planet, and what could happen.

2001 Events:

Friday, January 12, 2001 - 7:30 pm       Capturing a Bit of Stardust
The spacecraft, STARDUST, is on its way to fly through the tail ofComet Wilde-2 in 2004.  It will capture
the primordial ingredients of our solar system and return them to Earthin 2006!  Some students from
Statesboro have their names onboard.  Come find out who, and allabout comets and STARDUST!

Friday, February 2, 2001 - 7:30 pm   NEAR Shoemaker on Asteroid Eros
The NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft has been in orbit around Asteroid Erosfor almost a year, and will make
its closest approach to the surface on February 14th as the missionends.  Join us to find out what new
discoveries have been made and see the incredible images taken. Will this information help us to deflect
any future Near-Earth asteroids headed our way?  Join us to findout!

Friday, March 2 - 7:30 pm             The Explorers of Mauna Kea
Find out what the astronomers of the twin Keck telescopes in Hawaiihave discovered, and how telescopes
work.  Become an "explorer" as you operate telescopic mirrorsto gather the light from distant stars and
galaxies!  An exciting new show from the Bishop Museum of HawaiiandNASA.

Saturday, April 7  -  10 am - 4 pm     Astronomy and Space Day
Join us for our largest event of the year to celebrate astronomy andspace!
*See real moon rocks from the Apollo missions, and meteorites on loan  from NASA
*Meet and talk with astronomers from the GaSoU Department of Physics
*Lots of hands-on astronomy and space activities for ALL ages
*Star shows of the current night sky on the hour and NASA/JPL videos
*Telescope and astronomy/space displays
*Free astronomy and space activities to take home
*Safe telescopic solar viewing of sunspots, if skies are clear
Please join us for a day full of fun at the GaSoU Planetarium!

Saturday, June 23, 2001  (Starting at 9PM)
Join members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club at the Georgia Southern University Botanical Garden for an evening under the stars!
They will be sharing incredible views of the night sky through their telescopes with the public. The public and families are invited to bring binoculars, or that Christmas telescope they are still having trouble using, and astronomy club members will assist them.
The red planet, Mars, will be spectacular and bright to view later in the evening, so don't miss this wonderful event!
Directions: GSU BotanicalGarden webpage at -
Coming into Statesboro from Savannah on Hwy 67 , turnLEFT onto West Gentilly Rd. at the second light past the bypass. Take thefirst left and bear to the far left onto Bland Ave.  Entrance to theparking area of the GSU Botanical Garden will be just to the left at 1505Bland Ave through the gates.
Fall 2001 Public Evenings and SAC meetings following presentations at the Georgia Southern University Planetarium:

Friday, September 21, 2001      7:30 pm         Welcome to Outer Space  - Becky Lowder

Saturday, Sept 29, 2001      7:00 pm   What Happened to the Dinosaurs - Dr. Ben Zellner and Dr. Jonathan Geisler

Friday, October 26, 2001          7:30 pm         Exploration of Mars  -  Dr. Ben Zellner

Friday, November 16, 2001       7:30 pm         The Secret Lives of Galaxies  -  Dr. Clayton Heller

Friday, December 7, 2001         7:30 pm         The Christmas Sky

2000 Events:
Thursday, January 20, 2000 -  9:30pm - Midnight
       TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE    GSU Planetarium
The Georgia Southern University Planetarium will have free public viewing of the total lunar eclipse, WEATHER PERMITTING.  Telescopes will besetup on the roof of the Math/Physics/Psychology Building forviewing theMoonas the shadow of the Earth passes over the lunar landscape, turning itred.
The Math/Physics/Psychology Bldg is located on Georgia Ave off Herty Dr. on the GSU campus. (seemap below)
For more information, call the Department of Physics at 681-5292.

Saturday, February 12, 2000 - 7-8pm    THE GALILEO MISSION TO JUPITER CONTINUES!
GSU Planetarium Public Evening
Join JPL Solar System Ambassador, Becky Lowder, as she exploresthe incredible discoveries and images of Jupiter and its moons, made bythe Galileo spacecraft over the past 10 years.  Learn also about futureplans for Galileo into 2000!  Free JPL postcards of the spectacularimages taken by the Galileo spacecraft will be given away to the public,along with astronomy activities.  Star show of the current night skywill follow and if clear, telescopic observing of the night sky with Jupiterand Saturn.
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will meet following the presentationand observing in the planetarium.

Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 7:00 pmSTAR LIGHT - STAR BRIGHT!   GSU Botanical Garden Workshop
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will share their telescopes with thepublic and  families at the Georgia Southern University BotanicalGarden, off Hwy 67.  Everyone will make their own starfinders, andclub members will assist beginner stargazers with finding the wonders ofthe night sky, including telescopic views of the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn!  Call the Botanical Gardens to register for this free event at (912) 871-1114.
Families are invited to bring their binoculars, and perhaps thatnew telescope they got for Christmas they are still trying to figure outhow to use, and members can assist in showing how to operate.
Directions: GSU Botanical Garden webpage at -
Coming into Statesboro from Savannah on Hwy 67 going north, turnLEFT onto West Gentilly Rd. at the first light past the bypass. Take thefirst leftand bear to the far left onto Bland Ave.  Entrance to theparking areaofthe GSU Botanical Garden will be just to the left at 1505Bland Ave. throughthe gates.  Walk up to the cottage building wherewe will all meet tostart the workshop.
(SAC members will need to arrive around 6:30pmto set up scopes.  If you can assist with this fun event, please e-mail Becky Lowder at:  , thanks!)

Saturday, March 25, 2000 - 5:00 -6pm    THE EXPLORERS      GSU Planetarium Public Evening
The GSU Planetarium will present, THEEXPLORERS, from the Bishop Museum of Hawaii and NASA.
Join us for this exciting interactive planetarium show, and learn how the early explorers navigated the oceans by only using the stars!Thejouney continues into the future with space exploration, as we learnthat"we areALL explorers!"  A star show of the current night skywill follow.
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will meet following the presentationin the planetarium, with observing at a dark site afterwards, if clear,after dinner.
Hope you can join us!

Saturday, April 15, 2000 - 1-6pm     ASTRONOMY AND SPACE  DAY AT THE GSU PLANETARIUM!
Join members of the Statesboro Astronomy Club, and astronomers fromGSU for an exciting day at the GSU planetarium celebrating astronomy andspace!  Lots of hands-on activities for kids of all ages!
We will have REAL MOON ROCKS on display from NASA, as wellas real meteorites.  You can even learn what a tektiteis, andexamine one in your hand!  Lots of free astronomy and spacehandoutsand activities for families.
NASA, JPL,  and Stargazer videos showing all afternoonin the planetarium.

2pm - Star show of the current night sky! (20 min)
3pm - ASK AN ASTRONOMER!  Dr. Ben Zellner and Dr. GrantDenn will be on hand to discuss and  answer any questions you mayhave about the universe, the Hubble Space Telescope, and radio telescopes!
4pm - Star show of the current night sky! (20 min.)
5pm - QUASARS! presented by Dr. Grant Denn
If you have a telescope and you are not sure how to use, bring itby and we will assist you so you can enjoy the night sky from your backyard.  We will have several different types of telescopes on display.
Find out when the International Space Station will pass overyour backyard, and learn what it and other satellites look like and howto find them!

If clear, we will also have a telescope set up outside safelyobserving the Sun and any sunspots visible that day along with somesunspot activities!

Saturday, July 8, 2000 - 8:30pm    STARLIGHT - STAR BRIGHT!   GSU Botaniical Garden Workshop
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will share their telescopes with thepublic and  families at the Georgia Southern University BotanicalGarden, off Hwy 67.  Club members will assist beginner stargazerswith finding the wonders of the night sky, including telescopic views ofthe Moon.

Friday, August 11 - 7:30pm  GSU Planetarium Public Evening -SAVING THE NIGHT - written and narratedd by David Levy, will be presentedby Becky Lowder.  Join us for an evening under the stars to see how better outdoor lighting can reduce crime and allow you to enjoy the starsas they should be seen.
Star show of the current night sky, talk about the  Perseid MeteorShower that night/early Sat morning, update on current space missions,and if clear, telescopic observing of the Moon and stars! The StatesboroAstronomy Club will meet after event.

Friday, October 6, 2000 7:30pmGSU Planetarium Public Evening   -  HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE: A DECADE OF DISCOVERIES!
Join  Dr. Ben Zellner, Physics Professor and Astronomer, ashe shows us the incredible discoveries and images made by the HST overthe last 10years.
Star show of the current night sky, and updates on space explorationof our solar system!
Telescopic observing, if clear, after the presentation.
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will meet following the presentation/observing.  (*see directions below)

Friday, November 3, 2000  7:30 pm   GSU Planetarium Public Evening   - STRUCTUREOF THE UNIVERSE
Dr. Clayton Heller, Physics Professor and Astronomer, will explorethefascinating structure of the universe.
Star show of the current night sky, and updates on space explorationof our solar system!
Telescopic observing, if clear, after the presentation.
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will meet following the presentation/observing. (*see directions below)

Saturday, November 4, 2000  11am - noon     &nbssp; Statesboro Regional Library   -  EXPLORATION OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM!
Join JPL Solar System Ambassador and GSU Planetarium Assistant, Becky Lowder, as we take a journey into our solar system and find out allaboutthe current and upcoming missions in space!  Enjoy the librarydisplaycase filled with information, photos, and even some models of thespacecraftsexploring our solar system.  Free JPL postcards and astronomy/spacehandoutswill be given away.
If clear, we will SAFELY view the Sun, and any sunspots visible,usingprotective and safe filters.
The Statesboro Regional Library is located at 124 S. Main St, acrossfrom Pizza Hut.
For more information, please call (912) 764-1341.

Saturday, December 2, 2000  7:30 pm     GSU Planetarium Public Evening   -  GIFTS FROM THE CHRISTMAS SKY!>
Join us for a holiday celebration as we showyouthe beautiful constellations,  planets,  stars, meteors,and othersky objects you can  see during the holiday season! We will showyou how to safely view the partial solar eclipse taking placeon ChristmasDay!
Star show of the current night sky, and updateson space exploration of our solar system!
Telescopic observing of the Moon, Jupiterand Saturn, if clear, after the presentation.   ( *seedirections below)
The Statesboro Astronomy Club will meet at the planetarium for ourannual Christmas party at 5 pm, BEFORE thepublic presentation/observing.  Please make sure you are on our e-mail list to sign up for a dish to bring, and to get more details.