Once upon a time...
I agonized for 20 minutes how to begin this first article, of this first issue, of this new science magazine... and drew a .
First off - I am not currently a science teacher. I once was, but that was a long, long, long time ago. Teaching high school students is an interesting challenge, and not for the faint of heart. High school students often have other priorities... but, then, you know that.
The experience of having once been a science teacher has helped me during my career in engineering, and on into engineering management.
And, I still dabble in education, from time to time.
* Education in industry - a *somewhat * different world
* School / industry partnerships
* Electronics - How Diodes and Transistors work
* Electronics - and electronic music (Analog Electronics) * Electronics - and computers (Digital Electronics) * Electronics - Communication (Wire and Fiber) * Electronics - Communication (Wireless)