Logo SQLExlorer
 Version 1.04 interim release
  ( last Update: 14.Apr.1998 )

JARS Rated 5%

SQL Worker was my first application, written with the Java Foundation Classes from JavaSoft. With this program, you can easy test JDBC Drivers. I have tested the program with several drivers from Oracle, IBM (AS/400), JDBC-ODBC, Informix, Solid, JavaDB and mSQL.

Since release 1.04, all class files are in a jar archive explorer.jar. The source code is currently not included. If you are interested, write me an mail.

Start the Explorer simply with java -classpath %CLASSPATH%;explorer.jar SQLWorker
But you must set the classpath to the JDK1.1.2 or higher and the JFC archives. Also you must set the classpath to the JDBC Drivers. For additional information's, refer your JFC and JDBC documentation's or write me an E-Mail.

 Note: Be sure, that you have include the file, swingall.jar in the CLASSPATH variable or set the SWING_HOME variable to your Swing Directory and start SQLWorker with runnit.bat
Currently, SQLWorker works not together with the JDK1.2 beta 3! In later versions, I will make two versions, one for JFC1.1 and one for JDK1.2.

 Coming soon in Version 1.05 - Database Designer


Screenshot of SQLWorker

Requirements for this Version of the SQL Worker are:

Look to the JavaSoft Home Page  www.javasoft.com or  developer.javasoft.com where you can download the current versions of JDK and JFC for free.

The JFC 1.1 you can download at java.sun.com/products/jfc/index.html

Know Problems:

Coming soon in version 1.1:

 JDBC Web-Datenbanken für Windows-Plattformen - new technology. ADO, OLE DB, ODBC, JDBC und mehr

 JDBC Datenbanken und Java. JDBC, SQLJ und ODMG.

 JDBC Anwendungsprogrammierung mit JDBC. Datenbanken, Java, Client/ Server.

 JDBC XML, XSLT, Java und JSP Professionelle Web-Applikationen entwickeln.

Download Java SQL Worker 1.04 (Date: 17. Mar 1998

Disc file.zip (203 KB)

Old Version 1.03

Disc file-1.03.zip Version 1.03 (Date: 10. Jan 1998) 

These programs are written and copyright by Mario Müller, Germany. For private use it's free.
Please contact me for comments or further information.

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