Last update: 30-12-2007                                                                                           

What is EME ( Earth - Moon - Earth ) ???

Description of my CW EME-station

Pictures of my antenna and station

My actual standing on 144 MHz CW EME

Worked stations on 144 MHz CW EME

My QSL - card

My address

Log - Euro EME Contest 2008                                    Official Result 2008 - 19th place

Log - A.R.I. EME Contest 2007                                   Official Result 2006 - 5th place (in Category)

Log - ARRL EME Contest 2008                                   Official Result 2001 - 29th place (in Category) - My photo!!!
                                                                                      Official Result 2006 - 28th place (in Category)

Log - A.R.I. EME Marathon Contest 2008   10 February 2009      Official Result 2006 - 1st PLACE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !