Welcome to

Simi Valley Challenger Cadet Squadron 1986

Upcoming events:

June 23 - American Heroes Air Show (Hanson Dam)

July 7th & 8th - Professional Development Weekend (March AFB)


Former cadet and squadron member James Luttkus talks about the national special ativities he has atendet, as well as his time in the UCLA ROTC progam.

The Challenger meet every Thursday night from 1830-2100 (6:30-9:00pm) at the Simi Valley Seventh-day Adventist School, located at 1636 Sinaloa Rd.  in Simi Valley.

For more information, please contact CAPT Mary Savage (Leadership Officer), or First Lt. Bryan Brammer (Deputy Commander).



Civil Air Patrol Headquarters
California Wing Headquarters
California Wing Cadet Programs
The Weather Channel--on-line weather information

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© 1999, 2000 Simi Valley Challengers Composite Squadron 1986, CAWG, Civil Air Patrol
Maintained by 1Lt Bryan Brammer

Links or references to individuals or companies does not constitute an endorsement of any information, product, or service you may receive from such sources

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