Dixie Lee, the twice rescued liver dal

This is the story of Dixie Lee, a twice rescued liver dal. Dixie was born around July 4, 1997. She was found Aug. 12, 1997, by her rescuer and 2 time foster mom, Cheryl. She was rescued along with her littermate, ThelmaLou, who is Cheryl's personal dal. They were from a backyard breeder. Their moma had a litter or 13, and these may be the only 2 who survived. They were all homeless,wandering the streets with their mom, all flea and tick infested. A nice man rescued the mom and 4 more pups, but we don't know what happened to them.
   Here we both are the day we were rescued. See how small we were. I am on the left, in Cheryl's right hand.
   Here we are playing in Cheryl's yard with some toys. Aren't I just too cute?
   Here I am trying to appear serious. It is one of the very few pics of me where I was still
The rest of this story is told by Dixie Lee:
Cheryl's dad heard about me and wanted me, so I went to live with him. At first it was fun, and I got lots of attention. But as I got older I got less and less attention. Cheryl really wanted to find me a home where I could go to obedience school and be an inside dal and go lots of fun places. So she had the hard job of seeing if she could find me another home. By this time, I was no longer a puppy, and her parents didn't think I was too cute anymore. I had to live outside all the time, and my pointer friend Judy had just died. My mom listed me on the internet after visiting several sites where you could list dals. She wsn't too optimaistic though, cause there were lots of dals listed, and I wasn't a puppy anymore.
I also went to live at Cheryl's house on the weekends and she took me lots of fun places and spent time with me. Soon, she got an e-mail from a lady in a suburb of our city (Oklahoma City)! The lady wanted to know if Cheryl thought I could be a good dal to do obedience and agility with.Cheryl was very excited, she e-mailed the lady, Jane back. Soon Jane called her and they talked. Jane had just had to put her older dal, Daisy to sleep.She seemed interested in meeting me. The first time she met me I hid behind Cheryl and ThelmaLou. I wasn't very excited to see her. Cheryl told me I would have to be alot friendlier, or I wouldn't get adopted.However, Jane did soon adopt me.I went to live with her on Memorial day weekend in 1999. I was almost 2.
   Here I am at my second birthday party. I am on the right, Thelamlou is on the left, and either Beemer or Paddie, Thel's best friends is behind us
   Here is another pic of me. Yukon is behind me.

Anyway, I now have a great home. I am working on getting my CD and I am an agility dog. My mom takes me to garage sales, swap meets,flea markets (all Oklahoma things) and concerts in the park. When she goes out of town, I get to stay with Auntie T. who runs RockySpot Rescue. And my foster mom and mom are now good friends and do lots of stuff together, so I get to see my sissy, Thelmalou alot. Life is good.

   Here I am with my new mom Jane, and Freckles. He is a liver too. I don't think they call it liver in horses though.
   Here I am at agility practice going over the A-frame,
   Here I am on the dog walk. See my tail a-waggin and my happy dally smile? Cheryl cut off my mom's head though.