
It is assumed that the people who participate in the study will be technology coordinators or persons in related fields who know how to complete and return the survey via electronic mail.


1. One of the main limitations of this study is that it tries to generalize the primary responsibilities of a technology coordinator when the role is still in an evolutionary stage where clear results may be difficult to achieve. Technology coordinators in the United States have many of the same responsibilities; however, depending on the needs of the school district, they also have many varying responsibilities. This paper will focus on the commonalities of the occupation among various technology coordinators in the field and will mention various other responsibilities as recorded by survey respondents.

2. This study is limited to the number of people who respond to the electronic survey.

3. Due to the uncontrolled random approach to distributing the survey, there was no stratification of the population sample to guarantee validity in determining if school size, etc., were accurate defining factors in technology coordinator roles.


1. The participants of this study were found using the listservs EDTECH, DESENET, and LM_NET.

2. The listservs were chosen based on the pattern of educational topics discussed.

3. The survey was conducted during the fall of 1998.