Recommendations for Further Study

The following is a list of possible questions for future study:

  1. A comparison of duties between grade levels: Assuming
  2. technology coordinators are building level staff members, do the responsibilities of the technology coordinator differ from the Elementary level to Jr. High/Middle School to High School?

  3. Investigating the teaching certificate: Why did some
  4. school districts not require the technology coordinator to have a teaching certificate? How do the duties of those technology coordinators differ from those that were required to possess a teaching certificate? Is there a perceived difference in quality of technology coordinator's who have teaching certificates versus those who do not?

  5. Implementation of the technology plan: How are
  6. technology coordinators involved in the creation and implementation of a technology plan?

  7. Time spent daily on various duties: How much time is

spent on various daily activities of the technology coordinator? What activities require what percentages of the total day?

Because technology coordinator positions are relatively new, analysis of their effectiveness on the educational system must be continually studied. As technology continues to change, so will the needs of a school district. As the needs change, so will the responsibilities of the technology coordinator. The duties should be continually assessed with valid research as well as informally within the school district itself.