Living Things Home Page 



gggghTwo Kinds of living things


An organism that can manufacture its own food

from simple inorganic substances.


An organism that cannot make its own food and must take in nourishment from its environment.

The 5 Kingdoms

Monera- A kingdom of organisms characterized by prokaryotic cell structure (cells without a nucleus).

Protista- Eukaryotic organisms (cells have a nucleus), including unicelluar and multicellular forms,autotrophs and heterotrophs, with various forms of locomotion; organisms that do not fit into the other 5 kingdoms.

Fungi- Plant like, heterotrophic organisms. Like plants they are non-motile, but unlike plants they cannot produce their own food.

Plantae- A kingdom of multicellular, eukaryotic autotrophs.


Animalia- A kingdom of multicellular organism that do not produce thier own food.


For more information, click on the name of any kingdom.

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