11/22 Home to Ft.Lauderdale, FL (8.5 hrs.) w stopover for fuel at:
Suffolk, VA (lunch) and Hilton Head, SC.
11/23 Fly fro Ft.Lauderdale to Treasure Cay, Great Abaco Isl., 1.5 hrs.
clear Bahamian customs, walk 2 miles to ferry and go to
Green Turtle isle. Rent bike at the Yacht Club store and go to
New Plymouth.
11/24 Go back with ferry to Treasure Cay, fly to Marsh Harbor for fuel
go to Staniel Cay, Exumas (about 1 hr. flight) and stay at the
Yacht Club (--)
11/25 Snorkel at the underwater cave where James Bond, Thunderball
movie was shot in 1964. Fly to Cat Island (Hawk's Nest) about
50 miles away.
11/26 Fly to San Salvador island and walk 1/4 mile to Club Med.
11/28 Check out of Club Med at 9 AM and start long way back home.
Fly 1 hr. to North Eleuthra for fuel and clear Bahamian customs
file international flight plan, etc.
Depart 2 PM for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Fly north and stop for the night at Melbourne Beach, FL. due
to weather.
11/29 Fly 1,200 (Nautical) miles home. Land at Providence, RI at 6:45
PM, due to weather. Go home in rental car.
11/30 Bring Duchess back home, to KSFZ in RI. End-of-trip