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Who am I...

Well, besides from being a homo sapien, human, and a biological reference, I'm just another regular person. You know the usual, the usual 10 fingers, 10 toes, and etc… In order to really understand who I am; we need to first address the issues from your perspective. Who you are indirectly affects who I am in you point of view in life. Many people look into the heavens to look for answers to who they are and while they're at it, they look for the meaning of life. People have spent years and years pondering the future and let the present slip away. Some people have spent hundred and hundreds of dollars on seeking who they are but get no further than where they started. Well, for those people, I got news for you: it's not about fate or what's your destiny. It's about who you are and what you want to become. I'm sure this is kind of like a shock or a cold drink of water for you (If you prefer alcohol, click here and get your credit card ready.) but we have to look at ourselves and ask: what we want from the biggest bargain of life because it's free. In addressing "who am I", we find our purpose in life and find inner peace. Before I can answer the question who am I we must find out who are you.

Join the Marine Corps in 2000 as a Reservist. Spent a year with Golf Co. 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines before being activated. Activated and sent to Camp Lejeune in response to Sept 11th 2001, from there deployed to Kosovo. Got back home for an bit in January 2003 before being activated again and sent to Iraq. Got back from Iraq in August and it's back to college.    I am currently a Junior at Kean University, NJ, majoring in Mathematics/Teaching Certification. I tutor calculus at the Center for Academic Success, volunteer as an EMT on the weekends, and currently the Vice Chair of Training for Funded Groups, Student Organization.



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