David Berry
Home Up Roger Baylis David Berry Tony Button H4 Max Carpenter H5 Jeff Haddaway N Harris Chris Hicks H19 Robert Hodgson Kevin Johns Trevor Morcom H30 Mark Newgrain Dennis Overton H34 Trevor Schwartz Michael Siddall Robert Speight H45 Brian Whibley H48 Volker Zabo H53

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wpe2.jpg (3747 bytes) In his email, David said: 

In chronological order here is what has occurred over the years, post- ATS.

  • Darwin steam power station for 1 year, heavy fitting being a requisite of Marine Engineering.
  • 13 years at sea with BHP as an Engineer Officer, travelling and
    completing my Marine Engineering all over the world.
  • 1 year at the Southwark Brewery as the Engineer.
  • Built a house in Gawler, got married now have 2 daughters and 1 granddaughter.
  • 4 years as the firing officer at DSTO, completed my Mech Engineering part time.
  • 7 years as the Fleet Engineer for the Australian Customs Service, designing and building the current fleet, Canberra
  • 5 years as Engineer at Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane.
  • 5 years as a Performance Contracting Engineer with Honeywell,
    Brisbane based.

Bumped into Mostyn Gail and Brian Wibley last Christmas
while over in SA.  I look forward to perusing the website.


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