Return of the Red Viper.

By: Natallia Narshel




Iliana walked briskly down the street towards DownTime. She had had an oddly refreshing and restful night, and felt an urge to get to her cantina as soon as possible. As she reached the door she paused; strange the door had already been opened. Natallia, Ili’s co-pilot and best friend was supposedly out of town. Nat was the only other person who knew the code to open the door. Ili’s eyes flashed red -- no one broke into her cantina….no one. Whoever was inside had better have a good reason, and be able to explain it in five seconds or less.

She drew her blaster as she walked in. Sitting at the bar was a cloaked form. Whoever it was had helped himself to her supply of liquor.

"We’re closed" she said, her voice barely under control.

"Oh, that explains the lack of service here." replied a familiar male voice.

She moved closer, blaster still aimed for a line drive shot at the stranger. "Do I know you Mister?"

"Depends, do I know you?"

"This is hardly the time to be sarcastic or to be joking, I have-…"

"A blaster aimed at me and will not hesitate to shoot, yes, yes I know this already." the man interrupted.

"Who are you!?!?!" She demanded, becoming seriously annoyed with him.

The stranger sighed and shook his head. " I don’t know what I expected. After all this time, there was no way you should have remembered me. I mean with the Cantina, the other ‘gentlemen’, and your brother beating the pulp out of me-" the cowl of his cloak fell away from his head, revealing pure silver hair.

"HAWK!!" She yelled recognizing that bright silver hair. Dropping her blaster she ran and pounced on him. They both went tumbling backwards to the floor, and Ili ignored his grunt of protest when they hit. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss full on the lips. When they finally broke, the bright eyed youth she clung to smiled innocently at her.

"Now that’s a greeting. If I try this again tomorrow can I get another one?" he asked playfully.

She rolled her eyes at him and held him close, as if were she to let go he’d vanish." You're unbelievable."

"I am?? I thought I was rather believable myself I mean…we-v..mmm…"

She silenced him with another kiss, then smiled sweetly at him. "I’ve missed you so." she said, then added in an after a thought, "What are you doing here anyway??"

"Why? Errr…You mean I have to have a reason to be here?"

"With you?…. Do you really want me to answer that? Thought not. No, seriously why are you here? I thought your father had the entire Gileeian armed forces on a manhunt for you."

"He did."

"So, what are you doing here? You know they search this place at least once a week"

"They do, you're right"

She gave him a questioning look, "You’re not telling me something."


"What is it?"

"Well you see." His voice become serious and sad, "I went to see the Doctor for this cold I had. He ran some test and the results were not too good. He said along with my cold I had been….I’d been infected with a virus."

Ili suddenly felt weak. No, Hawk couldn’t be sick, Hawk never got sick at any point in time. "A virus?" she asked quietly.

He nodded, and stood. "He says its bad…real bad. Apparently, I’ve had it for some time. He said my…" at this point in time he began to grin, confusing Ili. "IQ test scores have gone down due to the virus stunting my mental growth and that one day I will die of overexposure to laughter and general craziness!" He started laughing, holding up his hands to protect himself from Ili’s attack as she finally realized what he was talking about.

"Why you little…how could you even joke about such a thing!"

"Oh, oh…hey….hold on…AHHHH!" He gave up trying to explain and instead ran towards the nearest wall.

" No! Don't even think about it buster." She said, launching herself at his feet.

"Woo…HEY!" he exclaimed as she grasped his legs and he went crashing to the floor.

"I’m going to get you," she said, looming over him preparing to attack his ribs in tickle frenzy.

"Hey!" He managed through gasps for air and laughing, "This *gasp* isn’t fair *gasp* Haahaa Stop!!!- Please *gasp* Haahaaa Stop .Haha Stop Stop, Stop!!"

Finally she ceased and looked down at him. He looked every bit a human male, but he wasn’t. His slender form, light weight, silver hair, and his crystal blue eyes gave away his ancestry. Gileeains were an old, secretive race. Bio-genetically created for one thing, war. They had kept to themselves for more than 800 years, no one knew exactly how long they’d been around. Or for that matter, how long they had been in rule of their Empire.

Unknown to the galaxy, the Galactic Empire stumbled upon them in an exploration mission. The Emperor became fascinated with them from the moment he was informed. Their society was based on a monarchy, but the people had equal say in the government. A people made for war had achieved a state of total peace. Their laws at times left little room for mistakes, however.

The Empire petitioned them to join, but upon the Gileeian refusal the Emperor ordered an attack. It turned out to be a grave mistake on the Empire’s side. With one planet left in destruction, more than three quarters of the people became enraged. Many children left home to join the Rebellion. Hawk had been among them.

It was during his time spent helping the Alliance that he had met Ili. They had been friends at first, but soon a true love had blossomed between them. A love that would only be shattered by Hawk’s father Lord Hines. Hawk was of noble blood, giving his father a tight grip on his rebellious son. Ordered to return home by his father, Hawk was forced to flee.

Ili had begged him stay, and explain to his father their love. Hawk simply said Lord Hines would never listen, and it would be a fruitless action. Hawk had resigned his post as commander of a New Republic Squadron called the Phantoms, and disappeared. On that day Ili thought her heart had died.

For two months Ili had heard nothing of him. Natallia, Hawk’s cousin, had gone searching for him due to Ili’s begging. Since Nat was a former bounty hunter, Ili had been sure Nat would find him. The Red Viper had not received her name for nothing.

Brushing the hair from his eyes she smiled at him. "I’ve missed you."

"Well I would have hoped you would have, I mean it wouldn’t do for you to just miss your brother and not me. Wh-"

"Oh, shut up" she said smiling at him, "Just be serious for once….for right now."

"Ok, serious…" he said standing and pulling her to her feet as well. When standing Ili had to look slightly down to look into his eyes. Hawk stood 5’7", while she was 5’9". Height didn't matter much though, she didn’t care how short he was. She’d always love him. Now his weight on the other hand, she envied. He weighed 90 pounds- no more, no less. It was a trait of the Gileeian people she knew, but at times it made her sick how small he was. Their light weight was due to the fact they spent as much time walking on the walls and ceilings as they did the floors. That trait had been the cause for their species's nickname –Spiders.

"It’s been so long, too long" she said, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know, and I think I’ve come up with the perfect solution to the problem." he said, pushing her an arm's length away. She gave him a confused look, and watched quietly as he knelt, pulling a box from the folds of his cloak. "Iliana, you would do me the greatest honor anyone could ever do me, and further more you would make the happiest rogue this side of the universe if…." He opened the box, "You be my Eternal Wife."

Ili could hardly keep the tears away as she hoarsely whispered yes and gave him a hug. She didn’t bother to look at the ring, it was forgotten in the passion of their kiss. As Hawk stood his arms wrapped firmly around her waist and he spun them around in a circle.

Suddenly there came a clapping from one of the dark corners. In one motion Hawk sat Ili on the floor and protectively behind him.

"Who’s there?" he asked, as Ili ran to the switch to turn the lights all the way up.

As they came on fully, the shadows disappeared. Leaning against a wall was a small woman. She had red hair, highlighted with silver, crystal blue eyes, and smirk on her face. She had two blasters (one on each hip) Four rings on her right hand and a fingerless glove on her left. Those rings Hawk knew, as well as Ili, held a deadly venom. And the glove could extend blades that took the shape of fangs. Ili smiled, and just grinned knowingly. The Red Viper was home.

"Nat!" Hawk said, jumping over a table to give his cousin a hug. " I didn’t think you’d have made it back from Tanaab yet! Your meeting must have been short."

"Ack! Hawk! Let go….can’t breath…n..need air!!

"Oh, sorry."

Nat laughed and put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. Standing at her full height she was 5’5". Nat was Ili’s somewhat impulsive co-pilot, who had a somewhat intimidating reputation as a bounty hunter.

"ah, you big lug, ya never knew any better anyhow." she said, giving him a mock shiner. Turning to Ili, Nat gave her friend a hug. "Congrats, Cap. Oh and by the way….You owe me big for finding the mutt."

Ili grinned at the jest, Nat was always saying how Ili owed her for this or that. Nat never collected, though. "How long have you been here?"

"Since last night, and yes the Phoenix is still in prime condition."

"How’d you know I was going to ask that next?"

"Oh please, You're Ili right? First thing on your mind is always that ship."

"Good point." She said with a grin. It was good to have the three of them back together. Things seemed to be the same as they once were. The good days had returned, or at least she thought they had.

Yun’ka, Ili’s long time friend and bartender came in and regarded the three. Smiling he dimmed the lights and prepared the cantina for its first patrons of the day.




Chapter One



Nat sat quietly at the bar, running a finger over the rim of her glass. Yun’ka, a human bartender around the age of 40, stepped towards her. He had a slight limp, and the left side of his face was burned and scarred. Though the scars could be surgically removed, he’d never earned enough money to do so. He said that after 20 years with them, they became so natural it might hurt to have them removed. As to how he'd gotten them, he’d just never told anyone.

"Do you want some more Rosebud?" He asked, holding up the bottle of Gileeain wine.

Ili kept the Cantina stocked with a whole variety of alcohol, including two or three bottles of the best Gileeian wines on the market. Not many people drank the Gileeain wines, or anything else alcoholic from Gilee, unless they were really brave. Gileeians have a high immunity to the effects of alcohol, hence causing most Gileeian alcohol to be VERY strong.

Ili had been feeling brave one night and took 5 shots of Gileeian whiskey. She was fine…till she had to get up and walk. She fell flat on her face, and starting laughing because of it all. Nat simply shook her head and with the help of Yun’ka, carried her home.

"No, I’m fine." Nat replied, taking a sip of the wine.

"Ok," he said, putting the away the bottle, "Anything important on your mind?"

"No, not really."

"Oh, so you’ve been sitting here all day, with that same glass of wine for no reason? Ok, Now everything makes perfect sense." He said, picking up a glass to clean, "I don’t know how I could have mistaken this somber mood for something being wrong. Nope, I’m falling ba-"

"Ok, OK! Your right, something is wrong. Don’t have to ramble on anymore about how you don’t believe me when I say nothing's wrong." she said holding her hands up in surrender.

"What’s up?"

She sighed and leaned forward, putting her head down on the bar, "Not really something I want to talk about," she said.

"Oh, I understand guy troubles….women never want to talk about their guy troubles."

Nat looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Just know what’s wrong with everyone without them ever saying anything"

"Oh that?…Practice."


"Yeah, I mean after you’ve been around people as long as I have you learn things. You learn how to tell what moods they are in. What's most likely is troubling them, "He put the glasses and rag on a shelf behind him, then turned back to her. "For instance, take that group of pilots in the corner. Something has got them down. Its most likely one of two possible things"

"Which are what? Liquor gone bad and food was cold when they got it?"

"Well,…..No, I hope not at least. Ili would be real upset if it was that." he leaned forward, and lowered his voice. "Look at their faces. Look how drawn they are. They seem down and out. Personally I think they just received orders for a mission more then half will not return from."

"Why do you say that? Maybe they just lost their commander or the squad's being split"

"True, but they are regulars. Darn good pilots too if I say so meself.. They were talking the other night about having a mission briefing today, early in the day. Its only 10 am and they usually don’t filter in till around 7 p.m., and add it to the fact that they aren’t drinking and…well"

Nat nodded, Yunka’s assessment was sound enough. "What about someone who’s never been here before. Say those two in the front."

"They’re new to this game. Want to be smugglers must likely. New ship and they’ve got they’re first run coming up soon. What better way to celebrate then with a drink?"

"There is no way for you to know all that about them"

"Sure there is…." he grinned at her, "They told me."

Nat smiled and shook her head.

"Ah see there, there it is."

"Wha- What are you talking about Yun’ka?" she said in a midst of laughing.

"You're smiling…and laughing." He replied causally, going back to cleaning glasses, "That’s the Nat I know.. always smiling and laughing."

"Oh Yun’ka, how come you never got married?:

He shrugged, but never looked up. "I had a complex with marriage when I was younger. And the fact that no one wanted to marry a guy like me. Too much of a monster for too many women" he said, sadly.

Nat smiled warmly at him, and patted him on the arm. "I would have. You’re a good man Yun’ka. I real good man."

He smiled gratefully, looking up at her. Nat was almost like a daughter to him, so much pride he felt in her achievements. She was one of the kindest souls he knew, and she had never been afraid to look to him when others had been. Her strength of spirit gave him comfort and joy. That and the fact she never forgot him, he knew how much he meant to her.

"Come, come…enough of that. What has you troubled young one?" he asked her, putting away the glasses and rag for good.

"I….I’ve been commissioned again."

"Back to work for you, eh? The Red Viper’s reputation is still running strong after two years. I don’t think you’ll have much trouble"

"True, but I don’t know if I can live up to my name. I wonder do I still have the skills that gave me that name?"

"You have worn your rings and glove for these past two years. Your kept your skill honed by practice in the gyms. And you and that Janson boy have been out at the shooting ranges seeing who had the best aim-"

"I did."

"-so I can’t imagine you’ve lost it."

"Its not the skill..I know I’ve not lost the physical skills involved. It’s the skill and passions for the hunt."

"You found Hawk."

"True, but it took me two months."

"Ah…but no one else was able to find him before you, so there! You’ve not lost it." He declared, leaving no room for further argument.

"You’re too insightive for your own good."

"Insightive… that one of your Gileeian words??"

"Oh, shut up!" she slapped him playfully on the arm.

"Ok, Ok, so what’s wrong with the commission?"

Nat became grave, the color drained from her face. She took a deep breath and glanced from side to side.

"When I was on Taanab" she said quietly, "a couple of henchmen who worked for this Hutt approached me. They said their boss would like to speak with me….I don’t know his name, or the name of the man standing protectively next to him…I just know that they commissioned me- and that he is a Hutt"

"Nat…..its not like you to take commissions from unknown clients" Yunka said, concern in his voice.

"I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. The Hutt kidnapped a dear friend of mine. If I don’t do this job, and I don’t do it effectively they’ll kill him."

"They’ll kill him?…Umm whose the other half of they?"

"The Hutt is working for, or has someone working for him whom…..he…He is a Jedi." She said, closing her eyes. She would not let her eye show the fear she did not want Yunka to see.

"Who’d they get?"

"Darrin…" her voice was so soft he could hardly hear the name. Darrin had been a long time friend and lover of Natallia’s .

"Oh,..oh dear….Does Ili know yet?"

"No!" Nat looked up at him sharply, "No one but you knows…."

"Nor is anyone else to know?…By your leave or theirs?"

"Mine…the fewer who know the easier my job" her voice was cold, too cold.

"Aye, understandable. One last question…Who are you after?"

Nat looked away for a moment, then back at Yunka. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear the name of the poor soul she hunted. His face then too drained of color. As he watched he leave he felt that he could know no greater sorrow.

"May the Force guide you well as you walk down that path child. And be at peace" he spoke quietly to her departing back.



Hawk and Ili walked into DownTime hand in hand. All smiles, they greeted everyone they knew, and talked about their plans for the future. Then Ili’s eyes fell on Yun’ka, and his sad visage.

"Yun’ka! What troubles you my friend?" she asked as she stepped towards him.

" ‘Tis nothing Miss Ili"

"Nope it’s something, now what is it…and by the way don’t call me Miss Ili…just Ili"

"I beg you not ask me…for I’ve sworn my silence in such matter"

Ili’s face darkened, "Yun'ka, You are my friend. For such cause I am telling you to speak to me on such matter"

"I cannot, my dear lady…. I cannot for Red Viper bids me not to speak"

"Red Viper??… Nat?? What? Is she is some kind of trouble??? Yun’ka Tell me!!!" Ili demanded, eyes wide. Nat had a bad habit of not telling anyone when she needed help. Ili hoped that this wasn’t one of those times.

"To say for sure. No, she be in no harm of yet."

"Yet?..Yun’ka you’re talking in riddles"

"I’m sorry, but I tell you I cannot help. I cannot speak of this because Nat should not have imparted the information to me" His eyes pleaded with her to ask no more.

"Where is she? I’ll ask her myself."

"She has left, I don’t know to where. But, Miss Ili….I fear you shall face the Red Viper soon enough."

Chapter Two


Ili paced tirelessly in her bedroom. Under a pile of blankets she could make out the sleeping form of Hawk. o 0( How can be just sleep like that?) she thought angrily at him o 0( Natallia is on the move, and….and…and I know she’s going to get into more trouble then she needs to be in)

"I can’t believe this, what is she doing, why??…." Ili muttered to herself as she paced.

"It’s 3 am, Ili." came Hawk’s muffled voice from beneath the covers.

"I know."

"Why are you awake then?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"I can’t sleep! That’s why!"


She stopped and shot him an ugly glare, however he seemed unaffected by it. Then again Hawk never seemed to be affected by anything short of a blaster being pointed at him.

"Ook," he said, falling back down into the bed.


"uh-mmmm…" he was drifting off to sleep already.

Ili grabbed a datapad sitting on her dresser and threw it at his head, "Wake up!"

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked, sitting up again rubbing the back of his head.

"Aren’t you worried? At all?"

"Worried about what?"

"NAT!" She almost threw another datapad at him.

"What about her?"

Ili threw her arms up in frustration, "Hawk! She is after someone! And whoever it is, they are somehow connected to me!"

"Calm down. Getting all upset about it won’t solve anything."

"Calm down?…..Calm down!? NO! I will not calm down."

"Come here, Ili" he held out his right hand to her. She did go to him, and fell into his arms. "Nothing will solve this short of tracking her down, and that would be nothing short of a miracle. Nat has her reasons, whatever they may be. You have to trust her to work out what ever those reasons are. I know she’ll come through and be back in no time. Then this whole thing will be a memory."

She nodded her head slightly, resting her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, comforted by his words, and fell asleep as he turned out the lights.


Tinea is a beautiful planet with lush green trees and the bluest seas one has ever seen. Its beauty is unrivaled by any other planet in the New Republic, or at least her citizens like to believe it so.

The Capitol City of Hanoch, like most other cities on planet, was full of rich and wondrous activities. The marketplace is lined with cobble-stone streets of downtown. The stands are decorated by bright, flashy covers and merchants shouting out in attempt to sale their items. Exotic smells of spices, perfumes and foods float about on the air. The scents are so heavy and thick at times it seems someone could cut cleanly through the air with a vibro-blade.

"Stranger!" cried a shopkeeper to the left. He was a large and round, though not entirely fat man with cheeks of rosy red. His hair and beard were raven black, and his teeth were a pearly white. He wore a tunic of forest green with seams of gold, and on his head rested a cap of bright shining silver. "Come stranger, I have beautiful rings that would suit you well."

The youthful stranger walked over to the stand and regarded them items curiously. The rings were indeed beautiful, but the stranger shook her head. "Rings not to your liking? Then perhaps a bracelet? No, well how about this. " He reached down and pulled out a jade beaded necklace. "A pretty necklace for a pretty lady. It would go well with your hair, no?"

**to be continued…**